ART. Darktable, and Raw Therapee- Share Notes Open-Source Image Processing Software.

There is real truth to that. As a result I've gotten myself into the habit of grabbing one of the my three "mains" no matter why I'm going out the door. You should see the looks I get from family at times ;)

That said, you made a wonderful image with your phone - thank you for posting it. I just doubt that _I_ could have.
I have been using Raw Therapee for 15 years or so, and I wonder why it is not so much more popular. In a lot of ways I prefer it over Lightroom 6 and now DXO Lab . The only thing missing for a long time was local adjustments and Print module for which I have been using Lightoom . It is easy to get good image with smooth tonality , one of the best highlight recovery options but also color management , film simulation ,various demoscaicing methods avaiable incuding pixel shift , dozens of tonal adjustements methods and is fast to operate. I have to only figure out how to use recently added local adjustment options . For local adjustments Darktable and Lightroom are great, Lightroom is my choice as printing software .