California (Bay Area, Northern) Bay Area/Sacto RFF Beer n' Gear Meeting

Sorry I missed it, like Honus I had something on with my daughter. But she lives in Pacific Grove. I like the shot of the cameras, especially the Lumix with whatever that lens was/is.
Hope you guys had a good time! It sure was a nice day out.

Glad I got to meet bobkonos and bingley @ the store even if I didn't get to come along for the fun.

Hope you guys had a good time! It sure was a nice day out.

Glad I got to meet bobkonos and bingley @ the store even if I didn't get to come along for the fun.


Ooops...yes, forgot to say we got to meet Brian, certifiable good guy and proud owner of a stunning 21 SA lens.
Hope you guys had a good time! It sure was a nice day out.

Glad I got to meet bobkonos and bingley @ the store even if I didn't get to come along for the fun.


Brian... There was more than a bit of gear envy over the black paint M3 that was spotted at your place. Sorry I missed you this time, we'll need to catch up soon.

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Bummed I couldn't make it, thanks for the images Jamie!

As for Davis, I can show folks the manhole cover I woke up on on the night of my 21st b-day. Good times.
Bummed I couldn't make it, thanks for the images Jamie!

As for Davis, I can show folks the manhole cover I woke up on on the night of my 21st b-day. Good times.

Ahhh! Now that would take the "beer and gear" concept to a new level! :eek::)

It was a great day in Berkeley, and I was glad to meet Honus, Bruce and Darren (and it REALLY was Darren)! Thanks, Jamie, for posting the pix. I'm souping the roll of PanX tonight, and hope to have a scan or two tomorrow. Bruce -- That G1 is amazing, and thanks for the lens display.

Given the expressions of interest in the gear, I'd say today confirms that Leicas are geezer magnets...:D
great meeting everyone out there today. had an absolutely great time walking around and chatting with everyone.

after parting ways I went to check out the immigration rally at civic center and spent a few hours there. just got back not too long ago from another photo related activity. I'm exhausted and off the bed, but not before making one or three last rounds on rff.
Here are a few snaps from Saturday's Rockridge Ramble in Berkeley:

Honus (Robert) and bobkonos (Bob) at Cole Coffee:


Jamie & Retina:



Thanks for posting these wonderful photos, Steve. And I'm sorry I had to leave so early... buy She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was hankering for some kid-friendly activities. So we headed off to the zoo. Had I stayed I could have taken you all to the cafés where the co-eds hang out! :)
I think you snapped this right after Bob told me he was a Dodger fan :eek:

What can you do, Robert? Even my wife is a Dodger fan... :eek: I think Dodger fans were put on earth to teach us tolerance and patience... :rolleyes: Even still, I keep my Willie Mays autographed baseballs locked up and secure... ;)
I grew up in LA in the era of Koufax, Wills, Drysdale, etc. Koufax pitched 4 no hitters and a perfect game. We beat the Giants regularly (still do). We won pennants (they are apparently not allowed to be won in SF). We are in contention for pennants (still are). As Bryan Highland sang "See You in September."

But, you Giants fans had the immortal Mays (check out the new book about him) and you do have patience, and that is a good thing, for you will need it for a long, long time. I suspect you will not win a pennant until Jamie's daughter is an adult, and that is still a bet you should not take.
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We won pennants (they are apparently not allowed to be won in SF). We are in contention for pennants (still are). As Bryan Highland sang "See You in September."

Maybe we don't want to win. Did you ever think of that Mister "We always win" Dodger Fan?

But, you Giants fans had the immortal Mays

Don't forget the immortal Crazy Crab!
I was in the seats above home plate at the game where Juan Marichal took his bat to John Roseboro...

While one can never condone violence, let alone unsportsmanlike conduct, that was an iconic moment...
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