Camera Work

Jay Maisel

Some quotes and a link to the source:

"People ask about what photography schools they should go to. I say, 'None. The education you can get looking at pictures in museums is what would help you very much in your work.'

"People ask, 'What would you recommend I do to be a better photographer?' Well, first of all, move your ass. Second, look at what's been done with markings on a page for 30,000 years, and then you'll have freedom.

"Think about it: except for maybe Lartigue, has there ever been a prodigy in photography? I can't think of any. It's part of your life experience. It's not like math or music—that's inside your head. What we're talking about deals with the external world."

"I tell people, 'You do not always see what you think you see.' There's optical illusion and the references things make to other things. I talk about the fact that color does not exist except in relation to other colors, that as soon as it changes size or is acted on by the environment, it's a different color and you have to be aware of that. Turn an incandescent light on, a fluorescent, and the paint swatch you brought home from the paint store changes. Put it next to a dark sofa or put a black painting next to it and it changes."

"That's part of the class, too. I try to explain to them, you're going to screw up so many times in your life that when something goes your way, jump on it, take it. You're entitled. It's a gift. And learn from it.