Contax T, T2, T3 and TVS (film) Gallery

I love the lighting in these shots, any tips for taking pictures in low light situations with the contax t3, do you mostly use automatic or do you play with aperture priority, recently bought a contax t3 and would love some tips for low light shooting, beautiful pictures
Contax T3/Fuji Superia X-Tra 400




I love the lighting in these shots, any tips for taking pictures in low light situations with the contax t3, do you mostly use automatic or do you play with aperture priority, recently bought a contax t3 and would love some tips for low light shooting, beautiful pictures

Low light or long exposure?
Fantastic as usual, especially the penmanship. Tell us what your writing device is (iPhone flashlight, maglite, ...?) and how long you take to write the phrase. Unless after telling us you must kill us all for knowing your secret. Cheers, R

sleep all day (film) by 2wenty, on Flickr[/quote]