New York December NYC Meet-Up


Gear Whore #1
Local time
8:44 PM
Nov 11, 2008
It seems that the November Meet-Up involved mounting some of my rare glass (Leica 50 Lux-R "E60" and 58/1.2 Noct-Nikkor AIS) on Christian's A7.

Also there was much talk about the cost of a SL verses the performance and value of both the SL and A7.

Steve and I talked about the IQ and pretty much agreed that a SL approaches the IQ of 645 film.

When and if Leica comes out with a SLM, which I think will happen, pretty much will be a game changer for me. I intend on keeping my Monochrom, my SL and somehow acquire a SLM, and pretty much my collection of small and medium format cameras will have to be downsized.

Anyways the December Meet-Up could be called "Lens-Fest 2016." Steve promises to bring a Leica 35 Lux-R 3-cam and some other glass to the next Meet-Up.

Why this camera vs. any other > 24mp camera? Wouldn't the same be true for the M240 as well?

What's the date? 12/11?


Bit depth is the reason when comparing the SL against a M-240. The SL is 14-bit and a M-240 is only 12-bit. With both having 24 MP the difference is 48 MB more data for color, detail, and resolution via bigger files on the SL. For me the added bit depth becomes more dynamic range, and to process all these huge files the SL exploits the processor of the medium format "S."

Not all 24 MP cameras are the same. My D3X had an anti-alias filter. Also the sensors on the M-240 is different than the SL sensor.

I don't know how much of the factor is the processor, but the SL has the same processor borrowed from the Leica "S." There may be a contribution here as well. Right out of the camera the images seem right. Anyways it seems like good engineering for IQ stands out on the SL to me.

Also Darrell taught me something about Mega-Pixels: sometimes it is not about how many pixels, but sometimes it is about the size of the pixels.

In comparing my Monochrom against a M-246 lets look at file size. My Monochrom is 14 bit and only 18 MP for a file size of 252 MB, but the M-246, although 24 MP is only 12-bit for a file size of 288 MB. The difference is only 36 MB bigger files on the M-246 than on my Monochrom.

Clearly the M-246 has better dynamic range (more data) and it has more shadow detail and better roll off in the highlights, but my monochrome seems to have a superior midrange that for me looks more like film, medium format, and at times like large format.

Clearly the M-246 is a more advanced camera, and the high ISO performance crushes my Monochrome. I still love my Monochrom, even though after owning the SL for a bit more than a month it becomes very evident how primitave and basic my Monochrom is.

12/11 is a good date.

Bit depth is the reason when comparing the SL against a M-240. The SL is 14-bit and a M-240 is only 12-bit. With both having 24 MP the difference is 48 MB more data for color, detail, and resolution via bigger files on the SL. For me the added bit depth becomes more dynamic range, and to process all these huge files the SL exploits the processor of the medium format "S."

Cal, I think you won't be able to tell the difference between 12 bit and 14 bit in most situations. Your D3x was old and is not a modern 24mp sensor and like you said it had the filter. And I would say that the size of the file in MB is not a great indicator for a file being better. Your camera is great. However, I think you'd be shocked at how good other modern FF cameras are too. The SL does not have a special sensor that would make it leaps and bounds above everything else.
Cal, I think you won't be able to tell the difference between 12 bit and 14 bit in most situations. Your D3x was old and is not a modern 24mp sensor and like you said it had the filter. And I would say that the size of the file in MB is not a great indicator for a file being better. Your camera is great. However, I think you'd be shocked at how good other modern FF cameras are too. The SL does not have a special sensor that would make it leaps and bounds above everything else.


Yesterday at the Meet-Up we also remarked about Fuji cameras, their colors and rendering. The Sony remarks were not as flattering.

I can see how file size can be misleading because a lot of information can be noise, but the files from the SL do seem to be very-very clean. At the most recent ICP Symposium aggressively zoomed in crops eliminated mucho data and were printed big by the presenter. I was shocked for sure.

It does seem that the 12-bit verses 14-bit might only be apparent when savagely cropping and throwing away data, when printing mighty huge, or both, otherwise the bigger files would go un-noticed. Anyways I'm talking crazy kinda big.

Some good discussion and comment was made about exaggerating high ISO specs to make a marketing number without regard to real image quality. In actual IQ we felt that Fuji and Leica engineered for IQ for photographers verses some marketing spec.

Well Cal, I'm very happy with the latest Fujifilm cameras...the 24mp models. Not feeling like I'm missing something by reverting back to APSC. That said, I think you have the right camera for your needs. I'm not trying to say the camera isn't awesome or it isn't the right one for you (it IS on both). I'm just saying we have a lot of awesome cameras, specs wise, out right now. Plus, the older digital cameras are still pretty nice and useful. The Sony A7R wasn't fun to use, but I liked the results from that camera. I'm sure the A7R II is very nice too.

I guess I'm of the opinion that a great photo on the SL would still be a great photo on the D3X, the Fuji cameras, or the A7R... People have made huge prints from lesser equipment than we have. It's a good time to be into Photography and we have a lot of choices.
Yes it is funny, pixels and things.
The biggest print up in my apartment now is a 18x24 off the *gasp* 10MP Leica M8. And I think I cropped a little. Shot with a pre-asph E43 50lux no less.

I find the X-T2 and SL both tempting in different ways.
I tried adding m4/3 to the kit this summer.. I think as a cheaper option for bang around & 4k video. It's fine. But I don't think I will hold onto it that long..

I still love my Monochrom, warts and all. LOL.

Now when I shoot my Monochrom it seems like a real primitive camera, which when compared to the SL it is. LOL. In fact it feels kinda tiny. LOL.

Right now I am so happy, and if Leica comes out with a SLM... You know what will happen. LOL.

Lens fest sounds intriguing. From the comments, it looks like we're planning to bring along a few examples to show around - should they be only Leica M/R mount, or can others come to play as well?
I'll be up there that weekend with my sister and if I can shake her off (not interested in cameras what so ever) then I can join in as well.
Lens fest sounds intriguing. From the comments, it looks like we're planning to bring along a few examples to show around - should they be only Leica M/R mount, or can others come to play as well?


Don't forget Visoflex (I'll be bringing my chrome 65 Elmar that utilizes a triple stacking of Leica adapters) and yesterday I secured a Novaflex LEM/NIK Leica M to Nikon F adapter. The 58/1.2 Noct-Nikkor is a marvel on the SL and I figured out how to use the F1.2 Notilux profile with the Noct-Nikkor.

One of the rare lenses I'll bring out is my silver 43/1.9 Pentax-L, the only LTM lens that Pentax ever made. The silver version is one of 800 lenses ever made. To annoy people I'll bring it "boxed" along with the external VF'er that is pretty remarkable. It has framelines for 43mm and 50mm, but also the entire frame serves well for 35mm framing. It also has that Zeiss like contrast (yellow filter) built in and a wonderful diopter.

Know that my SL hangs vertically like a M5 via a Nikon AH-4 baseplate.

Know that the 50 Lux-R "E60" is kinda rare being the last version, and it is reported to only number around 2700 ever made. The "E60" has ASPH sharpness without ASPH glass, is sharp across the frame, and has this wonderful blend of sharpness and softness wide open. To me the bokeh looks like and resembles a Noctilux. Weighs almost as much and has the 60mm filter size like a Noctilux, but you can focus closer.

The Noct-Nikkor wide open gets rather dreamy at F1.2, especially close focused. The bokeh and OOF kinda look large format in abstraction and fuzziness in a very painterly manner. Backgrounds look like Mark Rothco abtract expressionist paintings.

I will try to figure out how to intergrate the "Leica Shuttle" which will allow for tethering to my Mac Book Pro. I don't know if I'm clever enough to figure it out. LOL.

I'm sure Chistian will bring his A7 and stack of adapters. It does seem the SL loves SLR glass to exploit close focusing and shallow DOF.

Will try and make it..

Will be in Asia from now until December.
Hoping to pick up an MS-Optic / MS-Optical lens.. maybe the new 35/1.4 .. similar look to the old lux pre-asph.
If I do, that would be my contribution to the lens fest..
Sunday is booked for a video shoot by a Chinese group of graduates from Parson's fashion program. Anyways they want to tag along to see the weekly improve that involves me shooting Maggie on the street.

It seems that Maggie's blog has great appeal in China. 59K followers presently. and know that only in January of this year the milestone of 10K followers was reached.

Lately I have been experimenting with some $45-$50 tube of hair gel that came in a shipment of cosmetics to tame my Jungle Book hairstyle. This new product tames the flyaway, but I still use my old "hair-epoxy" to preserve some of my wildness. Anyways I would never pay $45-$50 for a tube of hair spackle, but this case of samples was free.

As time goes on I'm getting widely known, even though I do nothing to promote myself as a fashion photographer. Lately I have become a subject/model quite accidently. Something very organic is happening.

Lens fest sounds intriguing. From the comments, it looks like we're planning to bring along a few examples to show around - should they be only Leica M/R mount, or can others come to play as well?

Bring anything you want. Some of us Don't even have Leica's (or have any interest in them). I didn't have an RF camera for a long time and still made it to the meetup. Plus it's always interesting to see new gear and not the same old boring Leica stuff. There are no rules. However bashing Fuji cameras is very much appreciated.
Bring anything you want. Some of us Don't even have Leica's (or have any interest in them). I didn't have an RF camera for a long time and still made it to the meetup. Plus it's always interesting to see new gear and not the same old boring Leica stuff. There are no rules. However bashing Fuji cameras is very much appreciated.

There is an expression: "Don't mess with Texas."

Don't mess with my Texas Leicas either. LOL.

BTW I have mucho Fuji, but old film.

Sometime I will bring out my GL690 and GM670. I have many of the lenses.

When I was bragging about my big rangefinders, Christian brought out a 4x5 Linhoff to a Meet-Up. The Rangefinder was kinda like the one one the battleship New Jersey.

Then typically in February we kinda make fun of our gear culture by having an annual "camera beauty contest/pagent." Basically no rules in bare knuckles competition where the only rule enforced is "No Biting." LOL.
