New York December NYC Meet-Up


At my age, these lenses are more interesting than the Victoria Secrets show I saw last night that took place in Paris.

Like Christian reports about all those normal lenses, all those tall, young leggy models in Long-gHer-Ray began to all look alike.


LOL - love it. I'm getting to that stage as well :)
I'll be getting the shipping label from Leica to get the sensor replaced in my Monochrom. No 6 month wait for me. I got on a list and it will take 6-8 weeks.

My friend Bill at Leica told me basically the camera will get a complete overhaul and will be like a new camera. In February 2017 it will be 4 years old. Cost more than my new SL.

My Monochrom was in Secacaus, N.J. this morning. I was directed to ship it without the battery. I was told 8-10 weeks for the turnaround, which I think is extended fro 6-8 weeks due to the holidays. If I get the Monochrom back by February it will be home for its 4 year birthday.

Today after work they have some event that runs from 12-6 PM at the Soho Leica Store that involves the SL and Leica "S" glass. I'll get the smut and lowdown on rigging a SL with "S" glass.

"We got the gig, but basically there are some liability and legal issues I don't feel comfortable with. When we looked at the contract, basically it seems like we already need a lawyer. Evidently this went through a very big legal department from a huge corporation. Now I see that we are not getting paid big money and are underpaid. I say double our fee."

Check out the Buisness Practices of NPPA at, Ans, APA for Insurance, Contract suggestions, and other business issues at, Insurance for photographers? --
So Friday's event at the Leica Store SoHo was an eye-opener. It seems using Leica "S" glass exploits the "sweet-spot" of a larger image circle to reveal more information, more shadow detail, and additional smoothness in the highlights. The files on a tethered Mac definately looked like a big step into medium format. Anyways I was stunned.

Granted that this was all done in a studio like enviornment, with a strobe and utilizing a 100/2.0 ASPH lens that costs more than $8K. Anyways using this lens requires a certain amount of fitness because it is a big rig and anyone with skinny arms should stay at home.

Funny thing is even though I own a lot of glass I never really test my lenses. I more or less just shot them, sold the lenses I didn't use or like, and seemed to have assembled the best of the best.

When I got home I cleaned all my lenses, and blew out some dust off of my sensor. So the real lens testing took place after the lens-fest. What I did learn at lens fest is never discount old single coated glass like my 35/1.8 Nikkor in LTM, or my tiny black Canon 28/3.5 in LTM. Mucho sharp.

A surprise was that in comparing Joe's 50 Lux-R E55 against my 50 Lux-R E60 I was expecting my E60 to crush the E55, but that was not the case. The E60 was only a minor amount sharper, and in fact the E55 had more/better saturated color.

So in my independent testing at home after a bout of obsessive cleaning, I compared my 50 Lux E60 against my Noct-Nikkor. As far as center sharpness goes the Noct-Nikkor at F1.2 matched the resolution of my 50 E60 F1.2 to F1.4. It was dead even even though I used a delta of half a stop in the comparision. What the 50 Lux does better is across the frame and in the corners. The Noct-Nikkor does not do so well towards the edges and corners.

I use the distress of two screw slots on a white electrical outlet as my target from around 14-15 feet. Understand the detail I was focusing on was the definition and shadow of the slots zoomed in.

When I compared my 50 Lux ASPH against the E60 the E60 won on the SL. It seems that the lack of a size constraint might be a factor, and perhaps the "R" glass might have a larger image circle to exploit the "sweet-spot" like the "S" glass event like at the Leica Store Soho.

Interesting note is that the guys at the Leica Store revealed that they had compared a 35 Lux-R against a 35 Lux ASPH FLE and in their testing the "R" lens was sharper.

Know that I pre-ordered the new AF 50 Lux for my SL. It is expected to be released early next year. It has an 82mm filter size and is perhaps only about a half inch smaller than the huge 24-90 zoom. At least because of fewer elements and groups it should be lighter. Anyways the SL lenses seem to be supersized, and maybe performance is achieved by supersized image circles.

Also I was surprised by how big Steve's 35 Lux-R was. A lot bigger than I ever imagined, and bigger than my 50 Lux E60.

Joe had a magic rig: a digital MP with 35 Lux ASPH FLE.

Was great to see anyone, will try and make it more often!

Quite a show of gear yesterday

The big event is the February Camera Beauty Contest. Some people say,
"The Mermaid Parade is like the Gay Pride Parade, except it is for straight people."

I say, "The annual Camera Beauty Contest is like the Gay Pride Parade, except for camera nerds." LOL.
