Digital Black and White.


D810, 24-120mm
Yesterday I explained to a total newbie lady (she is highly intelligent, mind you) how to set a Canon 5D3 to take BW pictures. Done.
She thinks that's it. She comes from a family of artists, mathematicians and chess champions. She has what it takes...except for patience.
I wish she'd come back so I can tell her how to set the 5D3 BW's to her taste. P+P will be another issue.
This is the first time ever I met a person who I know is born gifted and only needs some how-to advice to get there.
I felt great!!
Today I tried zone focusing. Then I ruined the shot with Radiant software BW preset and some artificial shadows.
Just a coupla random shots of people doing stuff.

Clerk of court official checking IDs when we voted Saturday.

Service station guy changing out my safety sticker--good to go for another two years.

What can I say? It's been a long period of nothing much happening for me.
