Do you smoke?

Do you smoke?

  • Never, except for maybe the occasional try

    Votes: 287 50.8%
  • Seldom or never

    Votes: 83 14.7%
  • Occasionally or socially

    Votes: 69 12.2%
  • Regularly, no intention of quitting

    Votes: 54 9.6%
  • Regularly, tried to quit or relapsed

    Votes: 27 4.8%
  • Regularly, sure would like to quit

    Votes: 45 8.0%

  • Total voters


Registered Abuser
Local time
5:45 AM
Feb 8, 2005
Mostly curiosity, driven from a similar topic on another board. Sorry if you consider it OT.
why not add "yes", "no", "perhaps", "dont know" options to your poll?

I smoked, but some 3-4 years ago I quit..

edit: sorry I replied when there were no options yet..
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Get Smart

Get Smart

Dr. Pasteur – “Do you drink?”
Hymie the robot – “Only a little oil now and then.”

Dr. Pasteur – “Do you smoke?”
Hymie the robot – “Only when I drink cheap oil.”

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I can't vote since there is no option "never"

Never have and never will !!!

After having to watch my dad die from emphysema this past March there is no way anybody can convince me that smoking is harmless.
That depends. I do enjoy a cigar from time to time, but cigarettes are a huge waste of money. Not to mention what they do to your health in the long run.
In case anybody doesn't like the selections, I copied them verbatim so I can compare one to another.

colyn said:
I can't vote since there is no option "never"

Yes, you can, first option, never except for MAYBE the occasional try, which in your case maybe does not apply. :) (pack-year history of zero)

Never have and never will !!!


Same here, but in my case the maybe the occasional try does apply.

After having to watch my dad die from emphysema this past March there is no way anybody can convince me that smoking is harmless.

One main reason I never started, despite all the peer pressure to do so (and yes, it was there in the 60s and 70s, even for girls) was watching my mom unsuccessfully try to quit over and over and over and give up in frustration. :(
I smoke a couple of good Cuban puros in a year. Used to smoke Luckies or Marlboros quit about 15 years ago and now I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke is an unpleasant part of living in Tokyo, where a huge percentage of males smoke.
quit cigarettes in my early 20s. Quit my pipe in my early 30s. Still enjoy the occassional stogie(maybe one or two a month).

back alley said:
Do you smoke?


Yes, that's what is implied. "Are you a user of products supplied by the nicotine delivery industry?" might be another way of putting it. :)

(Now just watch somebody refer to patches or gum.) :)
dmr said:
Yes, that's what is implied. "Are you a user of products supplied by the nicotine delivery industry?" might be another way of putting it. :)

(Now just watch somebody refer to patches or gum.) :)

ah...then no.

i quit cigarettes years ago and cigars about 18 months before my heart attack, but i surely would love a really good cigar.
despite having cubans readily available here i liked the cigars from the dominican republic best.

I quit smoking cigarettes (very happy about it!) but I still like - occasionally - to smoke a strong handmade "Toscano" cigar.
out of curiosity, are these toscano cigars known outside Italy?
dmr said:
One main reason I never started, despite all the peer pressure to do so (and yes, it was there in the 60s and 70s, even for girls) was watching my mom unsuccessfully try to quit over and over and over and give up in frustration. :(

That was my dad.. He'd say "I'm going to quit" but within days be back to smoking.
I quit smoking cigarettes the last time over thirty years ago. Smoked cigars some after that but I didn't inhale (because I couldn't). Then chewed for some time after that, but quit that almost twenty years ago. If my wife could quit I wouldn't have to worry about 2nd hand smoke either. That is unpleasant.
colyn said:
I can't vote since there is no option "never"

Never have and never will!

Same answer here...

RF photography, processing, general (photo) topics? I am sure there is a reason for this particular question here, but for the life of me I can't think of what it might be.
ChrisPlatt said:
Dr. Pasteur – “Do you drink?”
Hymie – “Only a little oil now and then.”

Dr. Pasteur – “Do you smoke?”
Hymie – “Only when I drink cheap oil.”


Doctor to patient ... "Do you or your partner ever smoke after you make love?"

Patient ... "Possibly ... but I've never looked!"

My dad smoked Camels and died of lymph cancer in his early fifties.
My mom smoked for 50 years and died of complications from an unrelated (?) cancer.
My stepfather smoked (and drank heavily) and just made Social Security
before dying of lung cancer that metastasized to his brain.

Thanks to my negative role models I have never smoked anything ever.
I am not rabidly antismoking. I leave that to the ex-smokers...
