Do you smoke?

Do you smoke?

  • Never, except for maybe the occasional try

    Votes: 287 50.8%
  • Seldom or never

    Votes: 83 14.7%
  • Occasionally or socially

    Votes: 69 12.2%
  • Regularly, no intention of quitting

    Votes: 54 9.6%
  • Regularly, tried to quit or relapsed

    Votes: 27 4.8%
  • Regularly, sure would like to quit

    Votes: 45 8.0%

  • Total voters
...and again last week my neurologist said I'd be better off smoking pot than using the Lamictal she prescribes.

As for Starbucks? Hell, I'm the one who's in cahoots with the baristas at my friendly neighborhood supplier of some really primo caffeine!
I only went in a Starbucks once, - for a coffee.....don't know about your side of the pond, but here it's cheaper to smoke!! :mad:
i actually read somewhere (Chomsky?) that although terrorists organizations do involve themselves in the heroin trade (among others) that Al Qaida WOULD NOT because of some religious face saving. i personally believe though, that AL Quida is in cahoots with Starbucks .

The Taliban at first would not - and clamped down on the Heroin/Opium trade better than the US did. But, I think they need the money now, and have made concessions.
Shhhhh, don't tell anybody....but Starbucks will give you a refill (coffee only, no fancy drinks) for 50 cents plus tax. That leaves money for a smoke. The Starbucks I frequent is about the same distance from three nearby universities so it's always full of "eye candy" and I enjoy flirting with them, take a photo on occasion, or help them with their homework.

So far potency hasn't been a problem. I'm only 66, still wear the same size clothes I wore at 18, and have all my hair. The doc told me I'm good for another thirty years. My only concern is that I'll start seeing some nice young woman, get invited to join her family for Christmas dinner, and discover that her grandmother and I used to be lovers. ;-)
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I actually had a guy call me up this morning wanting to buy a print of one of my Bob Dylan photos and pay for it with pot. For REAL!
No, nor did I say anything even remotely resembling that. You're intelligent, so I must conclude you are twisting my words intentionally because you have no logical response.

The following is a direct quote:

It is not the crime, it is the organization it supports, and the damage they do. DUI drivers kill people. But they do not support thousands of people who are smuggling booze into the country, bribing officials, killing competitors, and funneling money back into terrorist coffers. Drug users do that.

Again, sorry if you do not like it. Those are not 'feelings', that is cold hard logic. Like I said, irrefutable, unless you intend to continue playing silly buggers.

So, by this logic buying pot from a local elderly woman who grows it organically herself, and uses the money to supplement her social security wouldn't be a bad thing. You don't seriously believe she's sending any portion of the cash I pay her over to the Taliban or down to some Mexican/Colombian cartel do you? No, she's buying food and firewood with it.
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I used to - twenty or more a day for fifteen years, starting when I was eighteen. And then one morning it struck me just how stupid an addiction this was, and I quit over the course of a fortnight. This was about seven years ago, and I haven't smoked anything since.

Not that I haven't found another addiction to replace the ciggies, mind...