Eliminating Gun Terminlogy From Photography

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Athena said:
FWIW, I shoot my camera like Eros shoots arrows (so much for the gun analogy).

If the resulting pics are any good, I show them off and "shoot the breeze" with Zeus and Hera who always admire them. I'm their favorite - you know.

If they are crummy then I say "Oh, shoot..." because I'm not supposed to swear on RFF!

"I shot a photo in the air....i"

Very amusingly put!

This reminds me of my photography professor Geoff Winningham. He was very interested in "decisive moment" photography like Cartier-Bresson's and described his fascination with comparing photography to archery. He spoke several times of how he used the book "Zen and the Art of Archery" to prepare himself as a young photographer. In the art of archery, there is no bloodshed only targets the bow and arrow and the mind of the archer. Geoff liked the idea of preparing ones mind to react to the world before capturing images, in the same way a Zen archery student would discipline his mind.

I have to say I love the diversity of meaning in English language. It's beautiful how many choices we have for using words, and how many shades of meaning there are in many words.

Go bid the photographers shoot! :)


many of our sponsers are hidden sinners

1. Leica - I leica shot some pictures (shameful)
2. Cameraquest - secret for "go get'm and shoot'm"
3. Popflash.photo - so obvious what pop means
4. Gordy camera straps - something to do with whipping
5. Robert White - wasn't he a serial killer in Boston, er or wasn't that Jack the Ripper, oh well close enough.
6. Shphoto.de - in Russian means " I shot it good" (sinner)
7. Photovillage - the town that shoots (oh the horror)
8. Leicatime - Everyone knows Luigi wouldn't hurt a flea but he leica to.
9. Zeiss Ikon - Ikon put you on Zeiss. (brrrr, mean)

We bow our collective heads in shame (sic)

Ok, I got it out of my system. I feel much better.:D
memphis said:
I went shooting last night, I had a target in mind... I loaded my gear on my back, and stalked my prey... last night 5:15 cst, I aimed, I gently pulled the trigger on my bessa, and that's right, I shot God --- Yes, Morgan Freeman was here for a book signing -- He made for some great pics -- hopefully I'll be able to post some today ===

this is an insane line of thought, if you buy into it, your photography will suffer... why reinvent language? I recommend to any of you who find the terminology offensive, spend more time shooting your camera and maybe you'll see an improvement in your work... isn't that truly more gratifying than quibling over semantics?

This is the Internet..."Quibling R US."
anselwannab said:
So when I poke fun at people about the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, its not so much that there weren't political operatives behind the scenes, its that Bill Clinton duped his wife and did more to hurt himself than the VRWC could ever do.

Hey, fair enough! Won't disagree with you there.
Attempting to impose speach codes is nothing new.

Click here to find out what words you cannot say in some universities.

Oh, and this just in from the Cabela's catelogue:


I think I'll get me one in Camo pattern paint.
CraigK said:

A lot of these have been distorted by both the conservative and mainstream press, on the lookout for "Gee, aren't these people snobby morons!" copy. Even taking them at face value, though, there's a step towards something that *is* necessary in places like college campuses. I'm not one to believe in the myth of the "good old days" but it's undeniable that in certain institutions (like movie theaters and college classrooms) people used to show a modicum of civility and respect, for the most part. At colleges and universities, particularly but not exclusively public ones, that has changed. Most people think of college as thirteenth grade now, and consider it their right to be there and behave however they want since they (or their parents) have paid for it. Disruptive, disrespectful, and childish behavior is one predictable outcome.

Obviously, enforcing a rule that says you can't say "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" is stupid. But most of that list consists of codes barring harrassing, "disenfranchising", etc behavior. This is necessary even if some early implementations were too broad. A college is place where at least some people are trying to get an education. I work at a University, so I see every day behavior that is decidedly non-conducive to that goal. People ridicule others in class, let fly with racist BS in the halls, etc. This simply can't be acceptable. If the college shouldn't be in the business of policing this, who should be? Other students? What are they supposed to do, punch the guy out? They'll get expelled.

Requiring some bare minimum of civility (including non-intimidation) on campus isn't censorship--we're not talking about the media here. We're talking about a place, like a theater, that people have paid good money for the privilege of attending, and they're perfectly within their sound mind to expect that the institution not allow others to create a disruptive environment, whether it's by popping gum in class or telling an "n-word" joke in the hallway (I hate referring to it that way but the forum filter blocked it). Plain and simple. People have no right not to be offended; they do have a right to expect a civil environment within the confines of the campus, or the movie theater, or whatever.
Speach codes, political correctness, censorship....

This whole thread has gone down his since Todd offered his most pointed and accurate assessment of the situation.

I may have used the term weenie, but twit works for me too.

Todd.Hanz said:
I think your teachers a twit...Todd
dexdog said:
for me, it is a case of different context, different meaning. I do not even associate the two, no more than I would confuse the firing of a weapon and 1.5 oz. of whiskey.

Very good point - it depends entirely on the context:

Shoot some film, or
Shoot some pool, or
Shoot - upper portion of a plant, or
Shoot a football (Penalty Shoot Out), or.......

The list could go on.
I'm indifferent to shot, though I rarely use it myself. But you know what equivalent is really, really irritating?


They use it on pnet all the time. "Nice capture!" Ugh. It just has the ring of a bunch of dorks "collecting" photos. It doesn't have anything to do with thought, or good photography, it's just about "capturing" everything on the unwritten list. "Okay guys, this week we need four not-real-noteworthy sunsets, three poorly posed nudes one of which scandalously reveals some pubic hair, two Arizona desert shots, and one Buckingham Palace Guard."

Vomit. But hey, that's just me.
People have no right not to be offended; they do have a right to expect a civil environment within the confines of the campus, or the movie theater, or whatever.


But civil environments outside the campus are ensured by the rules and laws of a civil society. It seems that we agree that a movie theatre , a campus and I guess the sidewalk outside our homes should all be civil environemnts.

So why is it that a campus requires another special set of rules, enforced by another special level of oversite ?

If the college shouldn't be in the business of policing this, who should be? Other students? What are they supposed to do, punch the guy out? They'll get expelled.

Colleges are in the business of education, not law enforcement. Punching a guy out should get you arrested anywhere; movie theatre, campus, my back yard. Obviously colleges and universities need to have rules of conduct (no smoking, no guns etc.) but it is when those codes of conduct cross into the Orwellian world of "thou shalt not say" , that is where I find myself remembering lines from Kafka.
Worst thread.

I shoot guns and I shoot cameras - Get over it. Theres nothing wrong with shooting guns nor cameras. The gun doesn't get up and kill someone - its the person that fires it.

In the end, a car can go really fast down a public road and hit a child, and people will blame the fact that its engine size is more than 600cc and that it's and import.

In the end, a delusional crazy man will kill someone with a butter knife if they don't have a gun.

For all the bad reputation firearms have, no one seems to mention the fact that controlled hunting in zimbabwe and africa once saved the elephants, no one seems to mention the fact that before gunpowder was invented, people were killing each other with sticks.

You dont see me bitching about people that "drive stick" in their sportscar or people that "prefer to stick to good old film instead of digital" because I know that people have killed people with what are essentially sharpened sticks.

Grow up, and grow a penis. (if you're a male, if you're female... i dont know.... grow some ovaries)
decoyslikecurve said:
In the end, a delusional crazy man will kill someone with a butter knife if they don't have a gun.

As a responsible gun owner I hate this contention. Seriously, we all know that guns make it a lot easier to kill people than butter knives. There has to be a line somewhere, or else I'd own a nuke--adults can discuss where that line should be. Implicitly denying that line makes us all look like wackjobs. Sad that people can't talk about this rationally.
I will note that there is a basic difference(based on context) between shooting guns and shooting photographs; if one shoots a gun, there is a physical object coming from the gun, if one shoots a photograph, one is receiving something.
So, no I don't worry about the usage of seemingly similar terminology.
And man, do I miss Bill Mattocks about now.:D
rover said:
Speach codes, political correctness, censorship....

This whole thread has gone down his since Todd offered his most pointed and accurate assessment of the situation.

I may have used the term weenie, but twit works for me too.

I love the word Twit.

It is so dismissive and condescending. It is not just about stupidty, it is a misguided stupidity used incorrectly. It shows contempt for the other person, while having a twinge of pity that they are stuck with what they are.

I love English, even if I mangle it so.
decoyslikecurve said:
Worst thread.

I shoot guns and I shoot cameras - Get over it. Theres nothing wrong with shooting guns nor cameras. The gun doesn't get up and kill someone - its the person that fires it.
For all the bad reputation firearms have, no one seems to mention the fact that controlled hunting in zimbabwe and africa once saved the elephants, no one seems to mention the fact that before gunpowder was invented, people were killing each other with sticks.
Grow up, and grow a penis. (if you're a male, if you're female... i dont know.... grow some ovaries)

Thank god I live in Canada.

Guns don't kill people all by themselves, pal, but they give the act of killing point and shoot simplicity. Killing a person with a stick is lot more like shooting with large format--it requires dedication passion, and a willingness to get dirty doing it. As the anti-drug ads in your country point out, all that's required to kill someone with a handgun is a carelessly handled, loaded handgun. Tell me how many kids were killed way back when due to the improper storage of a stick? How many jealous husbands just beat the guy as opposed to leaving him riddled with bullet holes?

As for your hunting saves the elephants argument, I can only assume that is some sort of joke. Does poaching alo save the elephants, the gorillas, and the grizzlies? Of course not, you silly man.

Finally, we have to ask why you need a gun? Given your own closing comment, I strongly suspect it has something to do with compensating for the length of the fleshy bit hanging between your legs.
BTW, am I the only one who is getting some amusing Denial of Service attacks after posting here?

I say "amusing" because it's not working. Maybe they're trying to shoot me an e-mail really really bad? :rolleyes:
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