Fear and Loathing.

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Local time
1:56 AM
Aug 8, 2010
We all have our favorite makes of camera. Some of us may have a few depending on format and type of usage.

That's all completely normal, but why would anyone "hate", or have a "morbid fear" of a particular camera make or model?

Does anyone have "ill-wishes" for any camera company?
I regard Canons in the same way as I regard BMWs - no doubt good at what they do but I could never imagine owning one. It's not a hate or ill-wish, but I do regard them as "bad" in a way that, say, Nikon or Audi are "good". Perhaps its down to the marketing but it's entirely unjustifiable - it's just that some brands and products put me off, others are very desirable.
Anyone who has read camera forums over the last 5 years surely has read anti-Leica posts which range from the mild and rational (I prefer brand X more than Leica because...) to the extreme and irrational (Leica owners are more interested in buying bling/jewelry than photography, they are fondlers and posers, they have more money than brains to pay so much....).

The anti-Leica attitude was seen strongly in the strangest place: the Leica forum at PNet. The lovable late Al Kaplan, a life-long Leica user was chased and banished from Pnet for his defense of Leica use. The positive out of that was that he ended up here at RFF and found a friendlier place.

Anti-Leica attitude reached a crescendo with the introduction of the M8 and the issues it had. For some reason, an M8 thread at RFF released such strong emotions (pro and con) that moderators were busiest trying to keep M8 threads from getting out of control and disintegrating into personal attacks.

I'm not sure how anyone could not be aware of the anti-Leica attitude present on internet photography forums. This is what Roger is referring to.
I think it goes something like this:
  • There are many people in the world.
  • Some of these people are insane.
  • Some of these insane people express their insanity by tying their self-worth to the brands they own.
  • Some of these insane people who tie their self-worth to the brands they own, view a taste for different brands as an implication that 'their' brands are inferior.
  • ... and therefore that they are inferior.
  • ... and so they must attack these other brands (and the brands' adherents) in order to protect their own self-worth.
  • ... and, having done so, they can bask in the glow of being the stalwart defender of their brands against the onslaught of the unwashed, ignorant masses.
Or maybe they just need to go out and get laid.
I'm not sure how anyone could not be aware of the anti-Leica attitude present on internet photography forums. This is what Roger is referring to.

Oh... that's the secret question???

Well, maybe I should re-consider my answer.

(hornets nest) <------ POKE
I don't necessarily hate them or wish them ill but I'm a little annoyed by the Impossible Project. The quality of their products, the prices and their marketing are almost insulting. It's like they think they can get away with anything because the people who are into instant film are suckers anyways.
I think it goes something like this:
  • There are many people in the world.
  • Some of these people are insane.
  • Some of these insane people express their insanity by tying their self-worth to the brands they own.
  • Some of these insane people who tie their self-worth to the brands they own, view a taste for different brands as an implication that 'their' brands are inferior.
  • ... and therefore that they are inferior.
  • ... and so they must attack these other brands (and the brands' adherents) in order to protect their own self-worth.
  • ... and, having done so, they can bask in the glow of being the stalwart defender of their brands against the onslaught of the unwashed, ignorant masses.
Or maybe they just need to go out and get laid.

this shall be written upon my wall. :D
I'm not sure how anyone could not be aware of the anti-Leica attitude present on internet photography forums. This is what Roger is referring to.

My grandmother is totally unaware of the anti-Leica attitude on internet photography forums. Just saying.
My grandmother is totally unaware of the anti-Leica attitude on internet photography forums. Just saying.

The beginning of my post read "...anyone who has read internet photo forums over the last 5 years..."

It's a little frustrating trying to make a point when others are nit-picking, or adding nothing but "clever" remarks.

It's about as helpful as pointing out spelling mistakes.
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We all have our favorite makes of camera. Some of us may have a few depending on format and type of usage.

That's all completely normal, but why would anyone "hate", or have a "morbid fear" of a particular camera make or model?

Does anyone have "ill-wishes" for any camera company?

Just visit POTN and say something positive about any camera in the world but Canon and see what happens :rolleyes:
Would have to say Canons, then Nikons. Not that these are bad cameras, but Canons have never had any appeal for me. Never thought much of the AE-1, and that determined my feeling about Canons.

Nikons: Have A NIkon F, but that's it. Probably because of the historical nature of the camera. Had Nikon rangefinders, but did not find them to be a good experience. And their SLRs & DSLRs have never had any appeal to me.
this thread started off on a sour note, kinda negative...let's make sure it doesn't head further south...

It certainly was'n't meant to be sour. Just trying to understand the zeitgeist.

Anyone who has read camera forums over the last 5 years surely has read anti-Leica posts ...

I'm not sure how anyone could not be aware of the anti-Leica attitude present on internet photography forums. This is what Roger is referring to.

This is my first and only experience of an photo equipment orientated forum, so this would explain that.

I just don't think about cameras that I don't like. I only worry about the ones I do like.

This is exactly my own feeling too, so I can't understand the underlying angst and paranoia of what I read by another member.
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