Frances in hospital

Roger Hicks

Local time
10:34 PM
Apr 15, 2005
I shan't be around much for a while on the forum. Last night Frances's bronchitis and cough got REALLY bad and we called the doctor. After an over-the-phone diagnosis they sent an ambulance and took her to Loudun hospital, about 11 miles away, as an emergency: blue flashing lights, the whole bit.

Aditi and I followed in the Land Rover. We didn't get home and to bed until 0300 this morning. Then they started digging up the road outside my house at 0800 this morning, with pneumatic drills.

They say that Frances will probably be in for 5-7 days (happy Easter!). It's not life-threatening but it's not much fun either. Visiting is 13:00 to 20:00 so I'm going to be in Loudun a lot.

Tashi delek,

Sorry to hear that Roger ... I'm sure she's now in good hands and on the road to recovery. Please give her my regards from Oz. :)
best wishes for a swift recovery, Roger.

I'm sure Frances will be better served in the French health system than the UK.
Best wishes to you and Frances Roger. Make sure she is a good patient and gets well soon.
A hint, Roger, which will make your visiting more pleasant. They get very uppity if you transfer her vin rouge drip to yourself!

Seriously, bronchitis is grim. You both have my best wishes for a speedy recovery and return home.

That was a wise decision to get the medical attention. 5-7 days: they are taking it seriously.

Our thoughts and prayers are with her and you.
Oh dear, so sorry to hear that.

Hope Frances gets well as soon as possible - hopefully all the good wishes from RFF will help.
Roger, I'm a big fan of both you and your wife, Frances, and I respect the knowledge and passion for photography that the two of you have.

I wish her the best and hope that she's feeling better in a few days.