GF670W Bessa III W

This thread has just cost me quite a bit of money :)....the GF670 will arrive in my warm, fuzzy hands in about 2 weeks.....


But to be honest, though it does seem pricey, this is probably one of the best folding cameras available. The lens quality is truly delicious, the auto exposure is great, and the coupled rangefinder/adjustable parallax is very hard to beat. When you consider what else is available new in the medium format range the price really doesn't seem that bad after all.

Have fun and may the light be with you! :D
Thanks guys!
I have a stash of Acros & FP4 awaiting its arrival. I have to get my hands on some Portra as well.....

This was a dangerous thread to read.....


Enjoy it.



But to be honest, though it does seem pricey, this is probably one of the best folding cameras available. The lens quality is truly delicious, the auto exposure is great, and the coupled rangefinder/adjustable parallax is very hard to beat. When you consider what else is available new in the medium format range the price really doesn't seem that bad after all.

Have fun and may the light be with you! :D
Recieved my GF just before Christmas. Loaded a roll of Arista, and oh my goodness. The shutter! It sounds like a pin dropping! And that viewfinder. WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSING!