Hardcore used Zeiss ikon (pics)

Nachkebia said:
Well, why not.. Can I have the email address for responsable person? (PM) :D
Maybe they will send me sonnar 85mm as a present! :D

The person to write to would be Kornelius Mueller, Marketing Manager, Camera Lens Division. He can be reached via: [email protected]. I have met & spoken with him personally as well as via e-mail. He is a good man & is passionalte about Zeiss & their photography products.

I suggest that you copy your e-mail to Dr. Hubert Nasse of the Engineering Dept. in the Camera Lens Division. He is very accessible & has even posted occasionally on photography forums. He has been very helpful to me with detailed answers to technical questions. He knows the Zeiss Ikon camera inside & out.

Good luck with your quest. it should be helpful to all of us. :)

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Nachkebia said:
LOL I can not be bothered writing email to them, it will take 23 months until proper people will read and another 13 month to get reply for them, I don`t mind giving you photos and my sign if you are up to writing email to them (also I don`t mind new zeiss ikon) :D

Not Necessarily Vlad,

When I asked some questions about the ZF lens line they were fast to respond.

I used to own a pricey ASKO clothes washer and dryer that both had frequent breakdowns. I wrote (snail mail) to the company in Sweden complaining after the dryer broke down the second time. The washer and dryer were both out of warranty, but the company sent out a brand new dryer of the latest model to replace the old machine! Later they replaced a motor on the washer at cost, instead of full price.

It's good you are trying for a replacement. Perhaps Zeiss and Cosina have already improved the paint and other manufacturing issues, and a replacement will wear better.
Nachkebia said:
LOL I can not be bothered writing email to them, it will take 23 months until proper people will read and another 13 month to get reply for them,/QUOTE]

Actually not true. I got a response within a week including until then unpublished data sheets.
Go figure .....Just try....


Dr Nasse has been very helpful to me too when I had some questions about the CY lens line.

I've wanted a ZI for ages but these doubts about wear and reliabilty just prevent me from buying it for now.
I might try Herr Muller re my wobbly ZM planar - it really is quite wobbly now. i think my 35mm Biogon might be heading the same way.
Don`t flood the Muller now, otherwise we going to scare him :)
Btw my 50 planar is wobbly too, but so what? does it make difference?
Nachkebia: As long as you feel that you are getting your money's worth, it is OK. If not, raise hell.

Do you think he's read this thread too?

Please Mr Zeiss, would you mind making some Lenses for the Bronica RF - if you have a moment?
I am also very curious on how they will reply. Will they consider it's what it should be under the given condition?
Yes very interesting, I did not demand return or I did not even ask any clear question, I just asked pritty generaly if this was normal :D if they reply that it is normal, it would be enough for us to start propaganda, if it is not normal I will need my compensation! (85mm sonnar) :D
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