Hasselblad X2D, Just out. M11 Killer?


Local time
4:25 PM
Jan 23, 2021
Only if you don't need a rangefinder. The upgrades in autofocus, addition of IBIS, and other features are very compelling, so the EVF-M crowd will be interested.
Yes, and why would you buy a Hasselblad when Sony cameras have 8k video, face tracking, and 20fps shooting? These are all powerful tools in different ways, and I doubt someone considering buying a $9000 camera without autofocus finds it all that necessary anyway.

To be perfectly honest, after playing around with AI image programs the past few months like Midjourney and DALLE 2, I’ve grown very uninterested in modern mirrorless cameras. I found today’s iPhone announcement more way more fascinating than the Hasselblad, simply because of what they’re doing with AI and sensor tech. I won’t deny the Hasselblad is a very cool camera, but I do think camera manufacturers ignoring AI is what will completely kill the small industry that’s left. Maybe that’s too much of a tangent here…oh well, back to my analog cameras!
Given the choice between the Hasselblad X2D and a Fuji GFX100S, I'd probably go with the Fuji. I don't need leaf shutter lenses and the lens selection and features just look better to me. Plus it's cheaper, so I could snag an extra lens with the money saved on the body.
Really nice camera, but I’m more curious to see what ends up becoming of the 907x.

If anything, I’d go for that 55mm lens.
Yeah, I am out in Fantasyland with the 55mm, too. Maybe it is not the M11 killer and maybe it is but it will definitely scare the hell out of Wetzlar's SLR department. The selling point for me is image. All the other bells and whistles are nice but if you have been with RF's for a while they are not important but the image is. The biggest problem for me with RF's is focus. Not a problem with this guy. Maybe if I sell the dog, . . .

And there are adapters to mount Leica mount lenses on the Hasselblad X mount. Some vignetting with some lenses.
Obviously just a troll thread for those with an insatiable urge to talk about Leica.

I had strawberry jam on my toast this morning. Which is more classic: strawberry jam on toast or a Leica?
It is silly to compare the M11 and this camera. The only similarity is price. If you want a Leica M, only an M will do. It has always been that way.

And if you are not wed to the Leica M the X2D is a very interesting alternative. It may even be a better camera. That's what I am wondering.
"Contempt prior to examination is an intellectual vice from which the greatest faculties of mind are not free. I know not indeed whether men of the greatest faculties of mind are not the subject to it. Such men feel themselves seated upon an eminence. Looking down from their height upon the follies of mankind, they behold contending tenets wasting their idle strength upon one another, with the common disdain of the absurdity of them all. This habit of thought, however comfortable to the mind which entertains it, or however natural to great parts, is extremely dangerous; and more apt, than almost any other disposition, to produce hasty and contemptuous, and, by consequence, erroneous judgments both of persons and opinions."

And if you are not wed to the Leica M the X2D is a very interesting alternative. It may even be a better camera. That's what I am wondering.

Oh for sure, I should have been clearer. I simply meant if you want to use a high end mechanical rangefinder then you choose Leica. If you do not care about that, there are a lot of better options. This hasselblad is a hell of a camera.
Oh for sure, I should have been clearer. I simply meant if you want to use a high end mechanical rangefinder then you choose Leica. If you do not care about that, there are a lot of better options. This hasselblad is a hell of a camera.

They come in at about the same price, body and lenses. My eyesight is not as good as it was so autofocus is great for me. I just want to follow the results of what the images look like and the reports on the firmware. Previous, X1D, has shaky firmware I have read. I have to watch this closely. And if I sell the kids, the dog and the grandchildren I can possibly swing it. Well, maybe I'll keep the dog. ;o)

As you know, I really like the M9. So image quality is primary. And it has to be as good as the M9 or why buy it? An M9 is 1/3 the cost with the new sensor. And Jadon Rosado does sensor upgrades so even an old one would be good if I needed one. The current one is good at 30K clicks. The initial flak about the X2D is great, but initial flak always is. Even as old as I am I think I can wait this one out to see how it works. But being that old means that if this camera, the X2D, is a winner I will have to jump on it to get my money's worth. Old age has its problems. LMAO

The good news is that there are adapters to put Leica mount lenses onto the X2D and it has an electronic shutter that can be turned on for non-leaf shutter lenses. If it all were to fall into place and the Amotal and '57 KMZ Jupiter-8 would work on it that would be nice. I will have to follow it all and see. As I have said before, I do need money for black cigars, strong drink and wild women.
I've followed the development of the Hasselblad X1D since it was first announced, what, a half dozen or more years ago?
It is a superb camera, more equivalent to the Leica SL than any Leica M in form factor and workflow. I rented one for three months (the X1D II) and loved working with it.

But: There is absolutely no way it actually competes with a Leica M, any Leica M, for being a handy, compact "leicht kamera" for general purpose photography. Having had both side by side for three months, the user experience is utterly, totally different, the 'Blad lenses are huge, the operation of the 'Blad is much more measured in pace. The range of available lenses (all excellent, btw) is fine but the options are much more limited, particularly now that the M has Live View when you need it.

In use, the Hasselblad X1D II (now much more a mature camera than the original X1D with first gen firmware) is much more akin to using a Leica SL than any Leica M. I had the SL: it was a magnificent camera, but ultimately it is a larger and heavier kit to cart about than a Leica M, and I pretty much stopped using it when I retired, switched to the M and CL cameras. This is why I was reluctant to buy the X1D II after enjoying using it so much, and I have the same reservations about the X2D for my uses. I bought the Hasselblad 907x as it addresses my desires for a medium format digital camera more appropriately, and its back is completely compatible with my existing Hasselblad V system kit.

I'm more than happy enough with my M10-M and the 907x. They are completely different animals in use, and are significant for very different kinds of photography.

I've followed the development of the Hasselblad X1D since it was first announced, what, a half dozen or more years ago?
It is a superb camera, more equivalent to the Leica SL than any Leica M in form factor and workflow. I rented one for three months (the X1D II) and loved working with it.

But: There is absolutely no way it actually competes with a Leica M, any Leica M, for being a handy, compact "leicht kamera" for general purpose photography. Having had both side by side for three months, the user experience is utterly, totally different, the 'Blad lenses are huge, the operation of the 'Blad is much more measured in pace. The range of available lenses (all excellent, btw) is fine but the options are much more limited, particularly now that the M has Live View when you need it.

In use, the Hasselblad X1D II (now much more a mature camera than the original X1D with first gen firmware) is much more akin to using a Leica SL than any Leica M. I had the SL: it was a magnificent camera, but ultimately it is a larger and heavier kit to cart about than a Leica M, and I pretty much stopped using it when I retired, switched to the M and CL cameras. This is why I was reluctant to buy the X1D II after enjoying using it so much, and I have the same reservations about the X2D for my uses. I bought the Hasselblad 907x as it addresses my desires for a medium format digital camera more appropriately, and its back is completely compatible with my existing Hasselblad V system kit.

I'm more than happy enough with my M10-M and the 907x. They are completely different animals in use, and are significant for very different kinds of photography.


I am a way simpler person. The only task-driven camera I have is the A7M III which is good for quick, in-focus, well-exposed images on a sensor not quite up to the M9. But it has a way higher batting average without having to fiddle with focus. That good old rangefinder thing, matching tiny images in a small viewfinder. Woohoo, what fun.

The body is not quite twice as heavy as the M10 mono, two pounds vs one and one half. I could live with that as having a camera in my hand is not an all day event in my life and never has been. And how big a deal is eight ounces. I think they have a strap for it.

As for camera comparison, I disagree. It is close in size, weight and cost. From what I have read the color imaging and detail are superior in the Hasselblad, quite superior. I am looking to see the images. Reviews I have seen do have very good color images in my eyes. From what I have read at this point, for something to hang from my hand and to point at things I want an accurate and flattering image of this is the better camera. It looks like Hasselblad wants to make inroads into the M10 and M11 market. I'd say they can do it, even though they are not a rangefinder camera. Maybe the die hard rangefinder fans can learn to use EVF's, just like the ones for Leicas. If they can be retrained to use EVF's and touch screens Leica will feel the pressure.

To my way of thinking at this price point, the same as the M11, it offers more.
Costs less than the M11. Larger sensor than the M11. Greater bit depth than the M11. And a lot of bells and whistles. Oh, not RFF, shucks. OTOH, always in focus. I'll take that as a trade-off.


If I were looking at the M11 this camera would give me pause. Great images with great color are Hasselblad and now in a camera close to or the same as a 35mm camera format.


If you don’t want a rangefinder, you aren’t buying an M11, and if you *do* want a rangefinder, it’s the only game in town…

If cost and features are your metric, just about every FF or MF digital on the market outperforms an M11.
If you don’t want a rangefinder, you aren’t buying an M11, and if you *do* want a rangefinder, it’s the only game in town…

If cost and features are your metric, just about every FF or MF digital on the market outperforms an M11.

It's not about focus methods I want the best image possible. Because the M8's had good images I bought an M8.2. Then after hanging around here and some other boards I bought an M9. Then without much thinking I bought an M240. I prefer the M9 for image quality. And while the M10 and M11 have improved image quality I do not think they have bested the M9 in quality of image. That is my opinion. I can put up with rangefinder focus for the image quality of the M9, I suppose if I had to focus using two drinking straws I would give it consideration if the image were better. As you can see I am chasing the quality image. The X2D seems to have that. And at the same price as the M11. So I evaluate a bigger, better image at the same price and the ability to use legacy Leica mount lenses and it kind of makes sense. I'll just have to sell all my relatives into slavery but no price is to high for art, right?

I do not consider myself a great photographer or even a good one but I do enjoy good tools. And this would likely cap my camera buying should I buy one. The flak on them looks great, I want to see the user photos on Flickr. None yet.

Thanks for your thoughts.