Hexar RF Lenses


It came to-day, yay!
Demo model.
No instruction manual (doesn't that figure?)
Rangefinder is off vertically (doesn't that figure?)
I don't know whether it's worth it to send it to Konica for a month, simply return it and keep saving for a Leica (which might not be any better) or bring it to a local camera shop.

I can do the rangefinder adjustment for infinity focus (as someone has obviously, by the chips in the little plastic cover has already demonstrated) but not the vertical- it's not like the Mamiya 7 where a simple two-screw arrangement does everything.

that's gotta be dissapointing!
if there was already an attempt to fix the rangefinder and it's still off you gotta wonder if there might not be a bigger problem with it. tough decision.

This has to be disappointing.
Was this sold as a demo??
Are there any wear signs visible??
Is the warranty card present??
A tough decision to make.
Good luck.
I've decided to keep the camera- It's warranty work as far as I'm concerned, and I'll send it off to Konica as soon as I can.

It was sold as a demo. There is a scratch along the bottom edge as a visible wear sign. The other was the aformentioned dings in the rangefinder little plastic cover.

Warranty card is here, and it's the first thing I'm doing- filling it out and getting the warranty activated.

No worries. The hardest bit is sitting on the fence, awaiting a decision.
It was quick, I asked (stronger than asked, less than begged) for the favor- this has been a while in coming, so now...

The camera focuses perfectly with the included Hexanon 50mm lens. It focuses just a hair beyond infinity with a Nikkor 85mm (LTM, of course), but with less than a millimeter out, I'm going to be that the 85 focuses just fine.

O.K., so what are the frame markings? I've got to memorize 'em, since there aren't any numbers in the finder. I'm guessing that the center position holds the 50/75mm, the position nearest the lens is 28/90mm and the other way is 35/135mm?
Strange- the rangefinder might have changed, or my eye-position, as I've become more comfortable with the camera. It's very nice, and both the 50mm and 85mm focus to infinity precisely where the rangefinder indicates.
Interesting that a Tri-Elmar focuses a *touch* past, but I digress- it's not a lens that I own, just one borrowed from a friendly local store, and it's focus might be right-on. Dunno. I'll get pictures from the camera this week. Sure is nice to have some automation in my life!

If anyone is looking for another, there's one for sale from this gentleman: [email protected]. It's new, not a demo. It was my second route, but since I've already bought mine...

Another interesting note is that the camera might again be available after the 13th of November? Just something I've heard...