Hood or No Hood?

Hood or No Hood?

  • Hood

    Votes: 247 82.3%
  • No Hood

    Votes: 53 17.7%

  • Total voters
I try always to use a hood. Not only for flare/contrast but also for protection of the lens.

Sometimes I`m a wee bit......uh.......clumsy.

Prefer to have a hood & UV filter on whenever possible.

I have hoods on just about all my lenses and the ones with the built-in hoods get used even indoors...
I'm always on the look-out for quality hoods and prefer for them to screw in rather than snap-on or bayonet...
I don't even mind a nice Minolta or Olympus hood on my Nikon or Mamiya glass...
The only lens of mine that I've got a hood for is my dslr kit lens. All the lenses that ever actually get used have no choice but to go naked.

That said, I wouldn't usually use them even if I had them. Cameras are bulky enough without a big hood hanging off the front. Hoods for me only in extreme circumstances where the protection against flare/impact is necessary.
I am always puzzled by this sort of question. Dear poster, would you mind telling us why you are considering going hood-less:
Extra cost, looks of a monster lens + hood, does not fit bag easily, pain to take it off, put on, ... other?

I would really like to know. Same as with people who still drive cars belt-less. Why I never can tell.

So, pleae let us know what you might have against hoods in general, please.
It's thanks to photoshop et al that even "professional" photogs, like the wedding photogs that run around and shoot couples and newly weds in NYC on location, e.g. central park who use mega zooms and flash on clunky DSLR w/o hoods. The give a sh... about the native contrast of their shot. They process it in the digital darkroom and compensate for sloppy work and craftsmanship.
Why do you shade your eyes from the sun with your hand or wear a basecap (not backwards mind you ;)) - ahh you can actually see something. Everyone in his right state of mind should make a decision about to hood or not to hood...
Yes, most of the time.
But when the hood gets too big such as Nokton 35/1.2 or Hexanon 50/1.2, which blocks large portion of view finder, then I go hood less...

Voted for hood, but have to note - no hoods on small cameras like Oly 35RC and Electro 35 MC. Nor pancake lenses. Otherwise I can use any large camera/lens.
EDIT: when I want a flare, I can get it with hood mounted. When I want to be 100% sure no flare will occur, I put on lens cap :)
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