How many of you are entirely film

Ive got a D Lux 4 for family snapshots.

Sold my D2x last month to fund a 4x5 enlarger. I can proudly say I shoot film exclusively.
I am, didn't really use my digital gear at all in 2011, so for 2012 I sold it all off while it still had some value left. Best decision I've ever made.
100% film ... Only digital atm and in near future the Iphone 4 ... If Pentax ever makes a FF digital I'll grab it if not. I see a silvery future :)
Somewhere I've got an old canon ixus, but that hasn't been used for years. At work I do sometimes use the nikon d7000, but my personal photos are 100% film.
100 % film.

I will never say never, but so far I have not found a digital I can tolerate (and I can't afford an M9 at this point).

I plan on renting the GXR for a week this Summer to try it out.

As my bank account will attest, I'm solidly in the film camp, with only an aging Fujifilm F40 P&S for quick snaps.

I will soon have to explore at home E6 and C41 processing and scanning because film, development, and scan costs add up quickly.
90% film here. But you just can't beat the convenience of digital sometimes. I use digital for product shots, quick snaps, and recording information (bus timetables etc.).
As my bank account will attest, I'm solidly in the film camp, with only an aging Fujifilm F40 P&S for quick snaps.

I will soon have to explore at home E6 and C41 processing and scanning because film, development, and scan costs add up quickly.

I just did my first E-6 processing - it was a pain in the ass, but the results look wonderful. I used the Arista kit (a little more than $20, should be good for ten rolls, probably more than that).

95% film.

i still have one good digital compact (canon powershot g11), but dont use it often anymore. i should sell it.
i mainly use it now for quick snaps for posting in the net e.g. of my gear, or for experimenting, e.g. with long exposures.

however it wasnt a conscious decision to go for film. just happend, that i dont like the experience of taking pictures with a digital anymore and the results either.
I just did my first E-6 processing - it was a pain in the ass, but the results look wonderful. I used the Arista kit (a little more than $20, should be good for ten rolls, probably more than that).


Glad to hear it! That's very encouraging. I have wanted to try E6 processing at home myself but have heard it's difficult to get it right. I think I'll pick up a kit and give it a whirl. Heck, I can't do any worse than some labs I've used in the past!
I'm about 98 percent film. But my kids always express disappointment when they ask me to see the image on the back of my camera that isn't there.