How many of you are entirely film

100% film for my own stuff since 1966, including happy snaps (all slide and BW).
100% digital for work (not as a pHotographer) since 1995.
Only slide film

Only slide film

Me, 41 years old. ONLY shoot and project slide film. I've never gone digital and have no desire to. The joy of shooting slides is in the challenge of getting a perfect shot and of course viewing them.
100% film and 100% B&W (at this point.)

Grew up on computers, wanted something real. Would wet print if I had a stable place to live.
I should also add...

I should also add...

I don't have a cell phone, ipad, i-anything, or mp3.
I only use my computer for email and reading about bicycling, swimming and photography, and of course shopping for them. Oh and I use my computer for work related stuff because I must.

I don't care for facebook or twitter. In fact I think I've never gone on their websites.

The irony of all this is that I'm the guy that everyone turns to when there's a problem with the computers or printers at work!

I don't digitize my slide photos and don't care to. When my wife likes a photo that I've taken, she just takes a photo of it off the wall when it's being projected... she uses a digital SLR. I've have a box of all my best slides. And I have a backup box in a different country that has... you guessed it... my backup slides.
So I'm not too worried about losing all my photos in a flood or fire.

Life is simple this way. I guess that's also why I shoot an all manual camera. I can't stand menus and cameras that need toggling in order to turn on a self timer!

By the way, all the above mentioned stuff is just me and my thinking. I hope you don't take any of it as an attack on you.

When I'm out "to photograph", 100 % film. Even for P&S 50 % film and only 50 % an old Panasonic digital P&S.
For B&W film only. For color K20...just I don't shoot color at all, so K20 is relegated to family's P&S role.
I am an all film user having a Mamiya Standard 23, a Minolta Maxxum 600si and a Yashica Electro 35 currently being overhauled, however, i do take pictures with my iPhone and retouch them in Instagram.

I have been seeing a KM Maxxum 7D as a complement to my Maxxum 600si but haven't found if these could be overhauled practically and economically!
100% film. Although, at the current rate of discouraging film news, I think more often of going digital. The OMD and XP1 are making me itch...