How Much do use your Smartphone for photography?

Having a cellphone category also lowered the age of those who entered this juried contest. Like most Art Galleries in small towns, we struggle to bring in the younger demographic. This was not a problem last year. College/High School-aged people only use smartphones to take pictures.
If this new category opens the doors for adolescents and even children it is more than worth it. These “younger people” are our future. The younger they enjoy this wonderful profession/hobby/therapy the better and the more time they’ll have to improve and broaden their knowledge.
If this new category opens the doors for adolescents and even children it is more than worth it. These “younger people” are our future. The younger they enjoy this wonderful profession/hobby/therapy the better and the more time they’ll have to improve and broaden their knowledge.
True, and the admirable approach @Mackinaw is taking above (post # 51) could be a gateway/spring board/pivot-point for them to explore the hobby further through analog photography. Being exposed to analog photography could open their eyes to new paths and ways of seeing.
True, and the admirable approach @Mackinaw is taking above (post # 51) could be a gateway/spring board/pivot-point for them to explore the hobby further through analog photography. Being exposed to analog photography could open their eyes to new paths and ways of seeing.

That’s my plan. Our Photo Exhibit runs about 2 1/2 months and we’re going to hold periodic photo events during that time period. I’ll be teaching a “how to develop B&W film” class on some Saturday and will market it towards the high school crowd. No idea how many will show up, but if I even get 2-3 people I’ll be happy.

Jim B.
You and Don Goldberg ("DAG") are among the very few on the planet.

As for me, I do own one, but I almost never use it for photography. It's good for recording info after an accident and the like, but that's about it.
Well, at least I am in good company. When 3G was being shut down, the Verizon kept sending me notices and offers on smart phones. Finally- they just sent me another Flip Phone for free. I'm on my Wife's cell phone plan. No texting, basic service. My daughter knows how to send me a text message on the phone. Write it on a sticky note, open my flip phone, and place it there. No charge.
Brian, how can your wife and you discuss the latest concerns about your daughter with her at the table behind you unless you have SMS to silently communicate?
My Daughter just got her degree in Applied Computer Science and could hack the phone anyway.
She could read impressions left in a notepad, so need to remove the sticky note and put on tile before writing to it.
Hmm. This thread is inspiring me to actually consider my new iPhone 15 Pro as a camera for a bit and see what I can do with it. As a camera, it's features and specs are pretty terriific, and it's a lot smaller and lighter than my other cameras, barring the Minox 8x11 brigade.

Of course, the tripod and mount I'd use remain about the same as for the other cameras, but such it is. ;)

i use my iphone 11 as camera to mess around, then see the shots later and now use leica SL2-s to follow up w/shots, same as early 2000s when Olympus was good tests for film shooting
I bought mobile/cell to communicate wit family and friends far away! Whatsapp.
It has slowly become very used, daily as a camera, lightmeter app, processing.
Seeing images from Ken Rockwell (hated here) I am stunned! Better than any film camera and many digitals!
Don't be blind to progress!


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I bought mobile/cell to communicate wit family and friends far away! Whatsapp.
It has slowly become very used, daily as a camera, lightmeter app, processing.
Seeing images from Ken Rockwell (hated here) I am stunned! Better than any film camera and many digitals!
Don't be blind to progress!
Ah, I looked up that book in your post ... ordered it. :D Thanks!

One should not be blinded by progress, either. I'be sat next to many families as a restaurant, with Dad, Mom, and Kids with their faces buried in a cell phone for the entire dinner. I told my Nephew's Fiancee that I could get her a cell phone jammer for a wedding present, after he kept his face buried on one during a dinner out to introduce her to the family. She took his phone from him with that. He's in good hands.
I use my i-phone mini more and more as its so available.
I even won the MX5 Miata car clubs 2023 photo contest w/
Just took a frame out of a video of me driving the car..and low and behold...winner..1st place!
The Leica M240 shots I also entered..were better..but the i-phone won the day as you can get unique angles w/it.