Jason Schneider at RFF

In the 1980s JS wrote an article on Rollei TLR cameras I consider to be one of the best I have ever read - it's still somewhere in my photo archive at home (I'm away now, so I can't locate it to quote from it, as much as I would like to) and I've always thought of it as one of the best pieces I have ever read on the wonderful Rolleiflexes and one I've turned to time and again for information (and inspiration).

Your logical and carefully structured approach to cameras and their use is ever so rare in today's internet instaworld where quickly patched together one-draft-only pieces abound but sadly very little useful data on these unique and quirky German twin lens reflex cameras.

(Lest I find myself being lynched from the nearest tree with a Rollei camera cord, let me say here that a few RFF members and the now all-but-defunct Rolleiclub have also authored useful reference articles for me.)

Now 30+ years later would you do an updated article on the Rollei TLRs as user cameras and collectables?
Hi Jason!

Don't know if you remember me, but we met as you were leaving the Ohio Camera Collecting Society Show a couple of years ago. We were in the lobby of the hotel, my Wife and I had a very enjoyable long conversation with you. I think everybody enjoyed it. :)

Welcome Jason!

Oops! Already posted this once!
Wow! Thank you all for your cordial and appreciative welcome. I am humbled and will do my best to live up to your high expectations. Stay safe and be well. Warm regards, Jason
Greetings to you sir. Your column was a must read every month back in the day. Seems that I recall you wrote one story about taping a Ricoh Auto Half spring wound half frame under a polo shirt to be able to surreptitiously shoot on the street.
Funny what sticks in our brains after decades.
Glad to have you in the forum and welcome.
Ask me Anything about classic cameras, photography, etc

Ask me Anything about classic cameras, photography, etc

This is an open invitation to ask me anything about collectible and vintage cameras, modern and current cameras and lenses or anything related to photography that you’ve always wanted to know or simple strikes your fancy. You’ve got question? I’ve got answers! Fire away! Jason Schneider, The Camera Collector
I think I'm remembering correctly; some photo magazine stating that Leica was reluctant to give up the bottom loading on their new M Leica cameras because they felt that the film flatness and quality of placement was better with the Barnacks. Is that true or am I remembering a Kafkaesque dream?
This is an open invitation to ask me anything about collectible and vintage cameras, modern and current cameras and lenses or anything related to photography that you’ve always wanted to know or simple strikes your fancy. You’ve got question? I’ve got answers! Fire away! Jason Schneider, The Camera Collector

Hello Mr. Schneider,

In your opinion, how good were the QMB lenses for the Rollei 35mm SLR system? They have held their value for sure. I wondered specifically how you could compare such lenses with similar lenses that were made in Contax SLR mount.

Thank you for the feedback.