Illinois July 2012 meet-up

I will be there and will bring a couple of rolls of expired T-Max...... just can not bring myself to shoot that stuff any more.... I will be wearing a black shirt with a Rolleiflex printed on the front
Bumpity Bump - last call for fellow RFF'ers - 1:00 pm today @ Sel Marie in Lincoln Square. I will try to reserve a table as it gets busy there on weekends
Try, Ken, try! I've been waiting to meet you. Just packed the toys and a dozen rolls of free Fujifilm Sensia. :)
A good time was had by all.

Rico, Tony, Mish, Jan and me

Tony brought the massive Fuji G690 - a Texas Leica as he said.
Lots of Rolliflexes and a Rollicord, one beautiful Leica III? I brought the Nikon Collection - SP and S2.

The RFF 2012 postcards were passed around, old/expired film was auctioned off. drinks were had, stories told. shop talk, darkroom talk, gear talk.

Another successful RFF Chicago chapter meeting.

Thanks all
Yes. I had a good time, as well. Loved your Nikon SP, Marc. Everybody had cool stuff. And I loved seeing the postcards.

It was great to meet up with everyone again. We need to get together more often.
Nice to see y'all again.
And kudos to MISH for trekking into the city from Indiana.
A (cool!) fall meet up would definitely be nice.
Ohh, sounds fun, too bad I just found this thread sadly - today?!

Never saw that this site had a meet up section.

Maybe next time!
It was a fun gathering, but waaay too much medium format. :D The Barnack of MISH (Don?) was postwar, so IIIc or IIIf. It was compactly rigged for 28mm. I thought Tony's Rolleiflex w/ adapted Hassy 45° prism was awesome. Sampling the RFF Postcard Project was mind expanding, and I want to join the next round. Expired film was exchanged freely - looks like I'm to shoot B&W after a 20-year hiatus!

I propose we meet again before the snow hits.
I had a great time, it was great to actually talk face to face with people that share my interests. Everyone managed to bring equipment that I was not overly familiar with and it was a good opportunity to check it out. I also was impressed with the photos from the post card project and would like to participate in the next round. I think maybe to get my feet wet, at the next meeting I will bring everyone attending a 5x7 print.

Can't wait to do it again
I had a great time, it was great to actually talk face to face with people that share my interests. Everyone managed to bring equipment that I was not overly familiar with and it was a good opportunity to check it out. I also was impressed with the photos from the post card project and would like to participate in the next round. I think maybe to get my feet wet, at the next meeting I will bring everyone attending a 5x7 print.

Can't wait to do it again

Sounds like a great idea! If I can ( finally ) get my darkroom finished, I just may do the same.