Just for fun: post your 2008 film statistics


Leica Ambassador
Local time
9:11 PM
Jan 26, 2008
Ok guys, 2008 is almost over, and I thought it could be fun to see how much of what everyone did shoot during this last year. I'll start this off with the results of my film count for 2008, from lower ISO to higher:

in 35 mm:
3 x Efke 25
5 x Efke 50
4 x Ilford Pan-F
1 x Fuji Neopan SS
5 x Arista Premium 100 (a.k.a. Plus-X)
17 x Kodak Plus-X
4 x Ilford FP4
2 x Ilford Delta 400
42 x Kodak Tri-X
27 x Arista Premium 400 (a.k.a. Tri-X)
2 x Fuji Neopan 400
1 x Kodak TMY
50 x Fuji Neopan 1600

and 1 single roll of Fuji Pro400H :D

in 120:
2 x Ilford Pan-F
2 x Bergger 200
9 x Ilford HP5

for a total of 164 rolls of 36 exposure film (5.904 frames), or slightly more than 3 per week average, and 13 rolls of 120 (1 roll per 4 weeks, total 156 frames). After developing and scanning, I kept about 1.950 images, about a third of the amount shot, out of which about a 20% are very good to my eye - which makes it about 400 good pics on about 6.000 shots. I'd say 90% or more of the 35mm have been shot with Leicas (mostly MPs & M2s), a few with an Olympus XA and an F5; the MF has been shot between my Hassy and a Super Ikonta; the plan for 120 is to use my newly acquired Mamiya 6 quite a bit next year (there is some Hasselblad-heavy projects coming up as well) :)

I don't have a statistical count of my digital work yet... ;)

How about you guys? :)

(Edit: added a forgotten roll of Arista Premium 100, added 120 :D)
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I guess about 200 rolls of film in the "old" film cameras and xxxxx amounts of digital piccys, but I use digital cameras for a living so I hope Im excused :D
I came back to the film world from DSLR this summer and since then, I have shot about 130 rolls or so... Films DO cost a lot, but it IS a lot more fun than using digital (to me)...

Probably about 100 rolls of B&W, more or less evenly divided between bulk loaded Tri-X and Ilford HP5 Plus and probably 40 or 50 rolls of Kodak Gold 200 to take those silly pictures of my toy monkey, Monkette, all over North Miami, running the mayor's re-election campaign, bitching that the fruit platters at the Chamber of Commerce's business card exchanges had no bananas (they do now!) and attending city council and advisory board meetings with me. I use them on my blog http://thepriceofsilver.blogspot.com I'm really trying to spend more time going through and printing up my old pix.
60 rolls TriX
25 rolls Kodak BW400CN
10 rolls Kodak UC400
10 rolls Provia 400F
2 rolls new Ektar 100

10k digital images

25 rolls Kodak 160VC (120)
15 rolls Kodak 160NC (120)
5 rolls Provia 400

25 sheets Polaroid Type 55 (4x5)
Looks like about 9000 images, post-edit... that is, not counting stuff that was deleted or un-scanned. Of that, only 640 images or so are film: 120 Tri-X, 120 Portra, 35mm random color print films, Delta 3200.
um i guess 40 rolls fuji superia 400 (they only cost me a quarter)
20 rolls velvia 50 (im out or id have used more, expensive)
5 rolls 400cn
10 rolls ektachrome, various
5 rolls ultra color 100
2 rolls tri-x
2 rolls tmax 400

these are estimates. im not huge into black and white unlike some people
* not had my camera since october due to CLA, stuck with SLRs
I was just looking at my files today and so far (still 30 hours to go) - 485 rolls of film shot in Canada/US and an additional 60 rolls shot whilst in Europe and Japan. These are the rolls that are kept and filed away - there is also a small batch, about 50 rolls that are strictly tests. either for initial developer trials or checking Rapidwinders- these are dumped in the big "round file" after having been looked at.
The majority of film has been Double X and TriX/Arista Premium 400 and about 100 rolls of Neopan Presto 400 and 40+ rolls of Acros 100.
That seems to fall within the average of my shooting, some years it has been 500 rolls only - other years 700+ rolls.
Of course, i am still toying with the idea of spooling up 1000 rolls of XX and taking one M2 and a 35 and shooting it all in a year - one lens - one camera. However, the other cameras and lenses are too tempting to leave on their own for 12 month!
I seem to scan about 3000-3500 shots/year (averaged over the last two years - not a conclusive statistic though).
Giving away that I no longer process my own film, I figure about 100 or so rolls of BW400CN. It's the only thing I shoot anymore in my M5, which burned up all those rolls. Countless digital images -looking at the sequence numbers on the raw files, around 12,000 or so. Kind of scary to add all that up! :)

To date:
35mm B&W film:
53 rolls Kodak Tri-X 400
7 rolls Ilford Delta 100
3 rolls Fuji Acros 100
2 rolls Ilford Pan F+ 50
1 roll Agfapan APX 25 (thank you Alkis)
1 roll Kodak Plus X movie stock (thank you Tom A)

35mm Transparencies:
8 rolls Fuji Provia 400
3 rolls Fuji Velvia 100
3 rolls Fuji Velvia 50

Digital: 2,352 actuations on Epson R-D1

A total of 67 rolls of b&w film and 14 rolls of slide film for about 2,916 images.

I'm not as prolific as many here. My shooting tends to go in spurts, depending on time, location and state of inspiration.
I have shot 128 rolls of film this year. I am too lazy to break it down to sizes and types. I will say it has been 100% black and white (the little color work I have done was digital), and most of it was 120 film. I shoot tons of Fuji Acros in 120, and Tmax 400 and 3200 in 35mm.
It has been a dismal year for me with film. The only rolls I got in were for a couple of weddings, baby celebration dinner and a kids birthday party :(

The list is short:
2 rolls Pro 400H
2 rolls Superia 400
1 roll Superia 100
4 rolls Provia 400F
2 rolls Astia 100F (135)
2 rolls Astia 100F (120)

The rest of the shots were (afraid to say) from a digital P&S. :eek:

I hope my 2009 has more time and opportunities to shoot with my RF cams.
12-15K digital
25 rolls Agfachrome
10 rolls Ilford HP5

Most of the digital are for work, all of the film is for pleasure.
About 120 rolls of Fuji 35mm color neg. film mostly thru my M3 and M6 but a few rolls thru my N90s. It does cost a bit but I would hate to give it up. 2009 might see my b+w darkroom put back together. At this rate the shutters in my M3 and M6 should last another 200 years. Joe
100 rolls of 135 Neopan 400
50 rolls of Neopan 1600
25 rolls 135 Acros
20 rolls various 400 speed 120 format B&W films
I racked up a pretty sad record this year, using much less film than usual, and much more digital.

1) Fuji NPS160
2) Fuji Super HQ 200
3) Kodak BWC400
1) Kodak Hi-Def 200 (APS)
1) Fuji NPZ800 (220)
2) Konica CT Pro 400 (220)

Ten rolls... I'll try to do better in future!
35mm: ~40 rolls BW400CN
120: ~10 rolls TMX & TMY

I could have probably shot a little less being more careful and getting all the good shots, but that is about what I shot... and feel good with my results.