Knife culture

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Hi Darthfeeble,

I referred to knife crime because FujiLove brought it up. Before then we were all having a good discussion about knives.

He gives bleeding heart liberals a bad name.
I'll bet he voted against Brexit too - if he's old enough.

I'm proud to say I certainly did vote against Brexit. In fact, I can't recall meeting anyone that did vote for it that didn't, on further investigation, quickly reveal themselves to be either brainless, racist or both.

Let's keep chatting, and I'm sure the category you belong to will soon be revealed.
Stop trying to look clever. You really aren't very good at it.

Until this extremely feeble attempt at "argument by dictionary" you have evidenced little but fear in all your posts so far. This is not "amateur psychoanalysis". I haven't the faintest idea what you're like the rest of the time, but several others have pointed out that on the evidence of what you have posted here, you are effectively phobic when it comes to knives, and will miss no opportunity to denigrate anyone who disagrees with you, usually on the feeblest of grounds. I mean, "juveniles" and "busty women"? This is pitiful.



Cheers for taking the time to review my posts Roger. I'm still not entirely sure how you conflate a person being dead against something with it being a phobia, but I can't be bothered arguing about that. Did I lower the intellectual level of your highbrow knife thread? Sorry about that, but I feel it wasn't really going anywhere anyway. Basically, people were posting photos of their knives and saying how sharp and useful they are for picking their nails and how they get all mushy about them blah blah. All a total load of bollocks, basically. You could probably do much better with another thread, what with your big brain and all. Do you feel top-heavy with it being so big, by the way? Must be brilliant to be dead clever and write books and that.

I'll leave you to your fun little toys. I'm off to practice me alfabet and countin.
Part of internet discussions. I'm sure if we were all sitting around in a pub somewhere we would be laughing, shouting, cursing and having a grand time. Hell, even though I disagree with FujiLove and he were to call me all kinds of names I'd still buy him a beer. I'm comfortable in my skin.

What is really troubling about this thread is my finding out you Brits are all pedophiles.
I used to hold you all in high regard. I'm as devastated as when I found out there is no Santa.
I have long forgotten what the original question was, but in case it is of interest, a few (yes few) mails merit additional info.

Splitting logs: not only do I have several good shots (=pictures) of flying fractured wood, but I have also found that when the log is heavier than the axe it is best to turn the axe upside down and let its weight do the work.

Swiss v\s German pocket knives: no pictures, but i find that an about 100 years old Solingen with scissors etc. that I inherited, is less useful than my only 30 years old Victorinox. Yes , nickel-chrome steel is assumed not to take as sharp an edge as mere carbon steel, but it does have more useful blades.

Opinels: Very sharp, simple and useful.

Swedish laws on knives and picknicks: years ago I occasionally used to stay in Lund. Probably wore my knife when hiking. No problem. In Norway I assume that if I used an Opinel to cut bread and cheese in a city park that would be regarded as a legal use. If not, I would encourage the copper to dicussthe matter with my lawyers.

One final point hich has not been covered yet; in these parts, the intricately embossed sheaths are as assiduously sought by knife collectors as the blades.

As with cameras, (except for an early fascination with Alpas) I have managed to only keep what I find useful, so I am quite content with a few battered but workable specimens from good smiths, no fancy sheats.

For splitting logs, I generally prefer a sledge-hammer and wedge, if the initial blow with the axe has failed to split the log completely.

Sheath collectors are a new one on me. Like you, I go for utility. Usually, anyway, though I do have a Tibetan knife with an intricate pierced steel sheath and a blade probably recycled (and heavily modified) from a British army bayonet dating from the Younghusband invasion in the early 20th century. That's my Crocodile Dundee "Nah, THIS is a knife", knife. I use it as a table knife at my more carnivorous barbecues, or if I'm wearing a chuba (can't remember the last time I did that).


Part of internet discussions. I'm sure if we were all sitting around in a pub somewhere we would be laughing, shouting, cursing and having a grand time. Hell, even though I disagree with FujiLove and he were to call me all kinds of names I'd still buy him a beer. I'm comfortable in my skin.

What is really troubling about this thread is my finding out you Brits are all pedophiles.
I used to hold you all in high regard. I'm as devastated as when I found out there is no Santa.

You're troubled?! I was a little kid when most of it seemed to be going on. It makes me do one of those bbrrr shivers.

(That's hard to write down, but one of those where you wiggle a bit)
Oh come on...that's like saying burgers but no chips (fries).

Milk and no cookies.

Fish and no chips.

Macaroni and no cheese.

Trump and no racism.


To which you might add "Lefties and no abuse of anyone who is not politically correct." Hey, FujiiLove?
You are becoming a bit overwrought, my friend.
Part of internet discussions. I'm sure if we were all sitting around in a pub somewhere we would be laughing, shouting, cursing and having a grand time. Hell, even though I disagree with FujiLove and he were to call me all kinds of names I'd still buy him a beer. I'm comfortable in my skin.

What is really troubling about this thread is my finding out you Brits are all pedophiles.
I used to hold you all in high regard. I'm as devastated as when I found out there is no Santa.

You obviously haven't read this thread closely enough. It has been clearly stated that all Brits are pedophiles and all people who carry knives are homicidal maniacs.

I'm both British and carry a knife, obviously a danger to everyone.

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