latest additions to your library

While not a photography book, "The Wright Brothers" by David McCullough documents the fact that the famous 1st brothers of flight were amateur photographers - and - they documented their own first flights in the interest of technical secrecy and as proof of their achievements!

The photos of those first flights are on display in this fine read.

Looking forward to the movie!


New addition to the library, been slow recently. A good price offered and I have wanted the volume for a while. Of course I would prefer "Travelog" which contains most of the better images from this but that now costs ten times as much and is less well printed I would say, collector value.
I just picked up two collections of magazine work from Japan's Daido Moriyama.

Nippon Gekijou 1965-1970
Nanika eno Tabi 1971-1974

Box - Holger Keifel A beautiful book of portraits celebrating the living legends in the sport of boxing.

The Idea of Louis Sullivan - John Szarkowski
New addition to the library, been slow recently. A good price offered and I have wanted the volume for a while. Of course I would prefer "Travelog" which contains most of the better images from this but that now costs ten times as much and is less well printed I would say, collector value.

Nice, Chris. It's one of my favorites. I particularly like that his photos are the kind any of us could take - no exotic locations or situations required.

I saw his "Departures and Arrivals" show at the CCP in Tucson and thought it was one of the best I"ve seen. I bought Travelog used on Amazon and it wasn't too expensive. Harbutt changed the way I think about photography.

Magnum: Contact Sheets
What can I say?

Mario Giacomelli
The first photo I saw taken by him were the priests playing in the snow and the rest of the book is even better. It´s no easy stuff, some pictures are hard to look at, but I praise Giacomelli for following his own vision all his lifetime.

Lee Friedlander: Nudes
Nudes of women that look like real humans, not like androids (imo).

Subjektive Fotografie: Der deutsche Beitrag
An exhibition catalogue about the movement started by Otto Steinert in the late 40s

Charles Melcher: Voyeur
A collection of photographs about the Voyeurism theme (Merry Alpern, Weegee, Garry Winogrand, etc.)

Aperture 117: Josef Sudek; Outward Journey
Sudek is one of my all time favourite photographers. The reasons are nearly the same as I wrote about Giacomelli (and he did it all with only one arm!)

I´m desperately waiting for "In my room" by Saul Leiter, that is announced on Steidl´s website, but not released yet.
I really want this set... How is it? I'm sure superb..!

It's pretty well done, but typical for his box sets... meaning they could've edited down more. I wouldn't pay full price for it... it's still pretty good if you are really into Eggleston (I guess I am).

Added "The Lost Tommies" to the collection


From a collection of thousands of glass plate portraits by the Thuillier family in Vignacourt during World War 1.