Leica MP spring reverb


Local time
2:41 AM
Mar 25, 2011
Well, I did it. Despite having two perfectly functional M6 cameras (both with their viewfinders upgraded), the little worm inside my brain made me buy my first MP. New from Leica Store. My first new Leica equipment. Although the camera works fine, it didn't take me long to notice something. Actually, to hear something that I now cannot unhear. Basically, whenever I use the advance lever, right after the travel is complete, I can hear quite distinctly (if there is no ambient noise) some sort of a spring buzzing. For those of view familiar with guitar amps, it sounds just like the spring reverb when the amp is knocked a little. It's not loud (it's actually quite discreet), but it's there and it drives me a little mad. Does any of you have a similar experience? All you have to do is to use the advance lever in a quiet room with one of your ears close to the camera. My other two M6 do no exhibit this behavior. I'm really looking hearing your opinions on this matter. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,
I know what you are talking about about guitar amp spring reverbs, but I have never heard about this problem before. You're not talking about the slow speed escapement buzz right?
I know what you are talking about about guitar amp spring reverbs, but I have never heard about this problem before. You're not talking about the slow speed escapement buzz right?

Definitely not the slow speed escapement buzz. The issue is present at all speeds and is not connected with firing the shutter. The "reverb" can be heard right after finishing "cocking" the the advance lever. The shutter sounds fine.
Just wasted a couple of frames of precious Tri-X (thought the cam was empty), and: ---- no spring reverb sound! Also an early one, 2982860.
There’s some type of sympathetic friction resonance going on either with a spring or other metal. Since it is new, have you talked to the dealer about it or written to Leica Support about the problem? Perhaps lack of lubrication was missed during assembly or a tight tolerance than was specified? Perhaps part interference as well.

Hopefully, they will not say it will go away during the “break-in” period.
Just wasted a couple of frames of precious Tri-X (thought the cam was empty), and: ---- no spring reverb sound! Also an early one, 2982860.

Sorry to hear about the wasted frames, it's a pity when it happens. My MP is manufactured in 2022. Perhaps I'll manage to record the sound tonight.
... whenever I use the advance lever, right after the travel is complete, I can hear quite distinctly (if there is no ambient noise) some sort of a spring buzzing. ...
I had a similar experience when I bought my first MP shortly after the camera was released. It had to go back to Leica (essentially, they gave it a CLA). I wouldn't do that again. Today, if anything like this happened to me I'd send it back for a replacement!
I had a similar experience when I bought my first MP shortly after the camera was released. It had to go back to Leica (essentially, they gave it a CLA). I wouldn't do that again. Today, if anything like this happened to me I'd send it back for a replacement!

Thank you for sharing your experience. How similar was your problem to mine?

For everyone checking this thread, here's a short recording: http://sndup.net/v63h. Please pay attention to the rattling sound at the end of the travel of the advance lever.

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts!
It sounds normal to me; I hear nothing out of the ordinary. Please be aware that the shutter mechanism in your MP is identical to the ones on your M6 cameras. However, it could possibly be as you initially presumed - that the steel gears need some break-in time.

I don't recall the exact issue I had - it was almost 20-years ago.

If you bought your camera new under warranty, you have some time to work with it as it breaks in. But if you're concerned, and you don't have Leica's new-camera Passport Warranty (which is a no-fault warranty) then consider returning it. For 5-grand you should be comfortable with the camera.
It sounds normal to me; I hear nothing out of the ordinary. Please be aware that the shutter mechanism in your MP is identical to the ones on your M6 cameras. However, it could possibly be as you initially presumed - that the steel gears need some break-in time.

I don't recall the exact issue I had - it was almost 20-years ago.

If you bought your camera new under warranty, you have some time to work with it as it breaks in. But if you're concerned, and you don't have Leica's new-camera Passport Warranty (which is a no-fault warranty) then consider returning it. For 5-grand you should be comfortable with the camera.

Thank you very much for your input. The rattling is there, but you have to listen really carefully. Please pay attention especially after the third advancement of the lever. The sequence is the following: advancement of the lever followed by the buzzing/rattling then the slow return of the advance lever to its initial position. The rattling is most present at seconds 20-21 of the provided recording.
I turned the volume up all the way this time, and I do hear a slight ghosting sound after the advances. To be honest, it doesn't concern me. Do the slow speeds sound normal?

Have you reported/asked the Leica dealer where you purchased the camera about it?
I’ve owned six MP’s and they all have the “ding” spring sound after the shutter fires. It’s literally the worst hollow sound out of any M. I cannot discern anything from that recording though… no idea what sound any of it is.

I would request a comparison body.
... The rattling is there, but you have to listen really carefully. Please pay attention especially after the third advancement of the lever. The sequence is the following: advancement of the lever followed by the buzzing/rattling then the slow return of the advance lever to its initial position. The rattling is most present at seconds 20-21 of the provided recording.
I forwarded your "concern" to Don Goldberg ("DAG") and just got back to me; his reaction was the same as mine. There's nothing to be concerned about.
I assume you bought this MP rig from a reputable Leica dealer. If you did just take it back and get a replacement. If not then.........:bang::bang::bang:
Hi everyone and thank you for your much appreciated help. I shall try to respond to all your comments.

I’ve owned six MP’s and they all have the “ding” spring sound after the shutter fires. It’s literally the worst hollow sound out of any M. I cannot discern anything from that recording though… no idea what sound any of it is.

I would request a comparison body.

In my case, the out-of-place sound is not related to firing the shutter. The ghost sound appears after I "cock" the advance lever, not when I fire the shutter. As for the sound of the shutter, I would agree that it sounds a little hollow when compared to my two M6 cameras.

I forwarded your "concern" to Don Goldberg ("DAG") and just got back to me; his reaction was the same as mine. There's nothing to be concerned about.

That is very nice of you. I too thought of contacting Don (who CLAd and upgraded both my M6), but I imagined he's got a lot a his head already. I wonder if he listened to the recording to the "proper" volume to hear the rattling. Can you post his response? It would be very interesting to see his opinion.

I assume you bought this MP rig from a reputable Leica dealer. If you did just take it back and get a replacement. If not then.........:bang::bang::bang:

I bought it online from Leica Store Austria. I shall try to contact them today to see what's their take.

All in all, I am convinced that something is off. That sort of "defect" that doesn't really affect the operation of the camera, but which can be really annoying. Like a door which is squeaking. It does fulfill its function, but it's not a pleasant experience.
My M6 has it. I only hear it once on your recording, first wind. Sounded like the sound of a camera being cocked with no film in it. Sounds healthy. Sounds normal. Get Harry the K to send you that partially wasted roll of Tri-X and waste a couple more frames. Bet you don’t hear it. Might not happen when your camera has film in it. I’ll bet you it is the spring in the take-up spool tulip. That should sound like a spring.

This sort of thing is what happens when you pay top dollar for brand new latest model top of the range. Was the outer box torn or dented? Has this really had the VF upgrade? What if this is a return by someone who really knows Leica and I’m being sold a pup? And do I just put up with this? I wish I’d never bought it. I don’t really need it.

Scratch the baseplate or something to break it in. Oops, you could not remove the plastic covering. Etc