Leica, not in Disney World

John Rountree

Nothing is what I want
Local time
11:37 AM
Mar 17, 2006
I just returned from a trip to Disney World with the grandchildren. As they say: Priceless! We were were there for three days. I had my M7 w/Rokkor 40. I didn't notice another M Leica the whole time we were there. And mine drew no attention, zero. What I did see were lots of little Lumix P&S cameras. The Digital Rebel out numbered the Nikon DXXX about 10 to 1! Though I love my Leica, just like Disney World, it seems quite dated.
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We are in our little bubble here on RFF. It's tough finding even film cameras

When I went to Rome in 2008, I lamented a lack of rangefinders. I took an Alaskan cruise last year and saw a handful of film cameras. One Hassey and a few film SLRs. No rangefinders.
What's a Rangefinder? Some kind of new imaging technology?
Is it better than Digital? :rolleyes:
And mine drew no attention, zero.

Sorry, this just stood out to me. I'm pretty new to using 'dated' cameras, but do Leica users usually look for people staring at their cameras? That's interesting, too, because I know a lot of people who get the latest "Nikon DXXX" so people will look at/notice/talk to them. Maybe it works both ways then?

Besides a LHSA convention, by FAR I've seen the most rangefinder Leicas at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. Numerous Leicas (relatively speaking) and MANY Holgas.
I was asked by an older gentleman last year if my Bessa R was a Leica! I told him no, but I did say it was a Voigtlander to make it sound more German.;)
I just got back from Hong Kong where I was running around every day with a Contax IIa usually with a Contax Turret finder mounted on it. It got more than a few curious stares, and man did I feel like a dinosaur with all the latest digital SLR's in play around me there. I don't care though - I'm 100% film all the way (and always will be).
Actually, I'm seeing a lot of "kids" these days carrying film cameras, including old rangefinders as well LOMOs. I like to think that we're ahead of the trend ;)

The website http://tokyocamerastyle.com/ shows Tokyoites carrying cameras, often rangefinders, and often much nicer than what I use
I just got back from Hong Kong where I was running around every day with a Contax IIa usually with a Contax Turret finder mounted on it. It got more than a few curious stares, and man did I feel like a dinosaur with all the latest digital SLR's in play around me there. I don't care though - I'm 100% film all the way (and always will be).

are you sure they were curious stares, or surprised admiration? :p

you're right, the number of digital cameras outnumber film. But just several days ago I saw a guy in Central with a tripod and a LF set up for a shot of a building
I just got back from Hong Kong where I was running around every day with a Contax IIa usually with a Contax Turret finder mounted on it. It got more than a few curious stares, and man did I feel like a dinosaur with all the latest digital SLR's in play around me there. I don't care though - I'm 100% film all the way (and always will be).

Depends on which part of HK, when I was there Central has plenty of Leica shooters.
I was in Concord Massachusetts shooting recently with my IIIf and a gentleman walking with his wife stopped me and asked if that was an "old" Leica. We had a nice chat. Turns out he's an M and R owner.
I just got back from Hong Kong where I was running around every day with a Contax IIa usually with a Contax Turret finder mounted on it. It got more than a few curious stares, and man did I feel like a dinosaur with all the latest digital SLR's in play around me there. I don't care though - I'm 100% film all the way (and always will be).

My Kiev gets stares even without anything attached…I live in HK :)
Depends on which part of HK, when I was there Central has plenty of Leica shooters.

In the past year I've seen 2 Leica shooters in Central, both street photogs.

I see a few Rolleis & Mamiyas from time to time, never a Hassy.

I go there quite often, as it's where I buy my film.
Seen a couple of guy's shooting M6 & M7 in Soho, London for street stuff but that's about it.

As regards getting attention using an RF I found I got a lot more when using my old Leica R8, used to get stares asked what it was quite a lot mainly from older guy's. Quite a design icon of an SLR I guess, nothing else quite looks like the R8/9.
I just returned from a trip to Disney World with the grandchildren. As they say: Priceless! We were were there for three days. I had my M7 w/Rokkor 40. I didn't notice another M Leica the whole time we were there. And mine drew no attention, zero. What I did see were lots of little Lumix P&S cameras. The Digital Rebel out numbered the Nikon DXXX about 10 to 1! Though I love my Leica, just like Disney World, it seems quite dated.

Maybe disney world likes canons. Had the completly opposite observation at washingtons cherry blossom festival last week. a handful of canons but nearly everyone else had small nikons DSLR's. Just one sighting of a mamiya 6 (for a rf). Even saw 3 4x5 cameras.