Leica Summaron 35mm f/2.8 - Post your pics


I love taking kitchen shots of street side food stalls - the smoke, grease, fire and sweat. This was shot with Tri-X pushed to 1600.

This was my first roll of film (Ilford XP2) in my first Leica rangefinder - M2 + Summaron. Shot from the hip. Terrible scan from a supposedly reputable lab in the area. Nonetheless one photo that holds my bitter-sweet rangefinder experience
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All of these great photos, and not one picture of the lens. And this is supposed to be a gear-centric site! What gives??

Oh what the heck, I'll fix the problem.

Wow this lens renders amazing. I've been using a Color Skopar PII f2.5 and considered getting this. I'd have to sell my current lens though to fund the rest.
After a short-ish trip to DAG, I finally received my goggled Summaron a couple of weeks ago. I also sent in my summaron 3.5 LTM for good measure, that one was in really bad shape. Both came back looking like new, DAG worked a miracle on the LTM. I'm just now getting the negs scanned, but the goggled f/2.8 really blows my mind - it's just the epitome of a classic Leica lens.

First the Summaron f/3.5:

Christkindl jams by SL_Photos, on Flickr

Then the goggled f/2.8:

this place matters by SL_Photos, on Flickr

classic city streets by SL_Photos, on Flickr

Summaron by SL_Photos, on Flickr
Hi, i love this lens, sold biogons and summicrons 35mm but now i kept a 3.5 summaron with goggles, use it on my m9 and m3...i find no difference between 3.5 and 2.8 so that´s why i kept the "slower" version...

It renders colours in a beautiful unchallenged way...

I´ll post ome shots later!