Leica x1 as main camera

robert blu

quiet photographer
Local time
6:07 AM
Nov 17, 2005
At the end of the month my wife and me will take part in a week long photographic workshop in a city where we have never been before. My wife will use her DSRL and I decided to use my Leica x1. Why ? The x1 the only digital camera I own (digital is necessary in order to daily review the work done) but I could borrow one from friends. My thinking is that to work with only a camera with a simple (excellent) 36 mm eq. lens and manual controls can be a very interesting experience. I want to see what I can get out of it. Learning to look around is the first step. Using manual controls is the second step. Keeping my eyes and my brain active will be the real challenge!
It's a great camera for this purpose. Super light/small and the IQ won't let you down. Plus, I'm sure your wife will let you borrow the DSLR if a shot comes up that the X1 isn't suited for.
I've often traveled with the X1 as my main camera. Its size and weight are a true bonus in tropical heat, and the IQ is outstanding. Currently thinking about the X2 more than I should. If only someone could confirm the handgrip will fit, and that the batteries are identical, then I might even sell my X1 and enjoy the 3 to 4 times faster AF of the X2. Gosh... and I promised myself to buy no new gear this year...
Despite giving out great quality properties and a very leica image, the X1 is -to me- highly unreliable for half of what I shoot. So I'd never use it as a main camera, as a second or back up, definitely. But I have heard good news on the X2, never tried it yet though.
The only problem I got from my X1 in 1 1/2 years was the dust on sensor, which to be cleaned needs to sent the camera to Solms and it takes 4-6 weeks, being one of the reasons for which I'll no upgrade to x2. No other problems even using it a lot.
Hi, Robert...

I am getting down to a light carry. The lightest being just the camera itself, but which one?

Option A - M3 + light meter

Option B - IIIF + light meter

Both fit in a Crumpler large bundle but it is an odd shape. I really need to find me a small bag like the Domke 5xa or something. But then, there is this black and white thing...do I want to shoot color? Not really what I like to do in film, at least not with the M3 or the IIIF.

Now and for a little while, I have a loaner X1... I carried it all by itself today on a trip to the hospital for diagnostics and never thought about it, it was so light! Didn't get a chance to use it today but I was amazed at the fact that I forgot I even had a camera on me...:cool:

I can see where a small bag to carry everyday items such as checkbooks, papers, notebooks (iPad, or whatever) is now able to swallow an entire camera that I have no hesitation or concern about, the X1.

Sure made my Hadley Pro a joy to carry but now I think a Domke 5xb is what I really need, especially since I don't have to worry about an iPad....yet.

I would not hesitate carrying the X1, or two of them, anywhere. Main camera? Sure. If I could embrace a 35mm pov but that may not possible.

I love the idea of a lightweight one camera carry. Film or digital? Good to have the choice!:p
Ha...no, since I only have one lens for the M3 (Summarit 1.5) and one lens for the IIIF (Industar 26), they are permanently attached to said bodies.:p

Being of the rigid variety, they are not nearly as compact as I would like in a light carry...but, I love them!:angel:

The X1 is a fine one camera-one lens camera and fills the bill for digital when I need it!
Ciao Rob,
it depends on what you're shooting but for me a 35 mm lens fits the great part of my needs. I usually prefer a one camera/lens combo so to have less "distractions" and focus only on the images/results I can achieve with that lens.
Have fun with the workshop,
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