Leica X1 Price

I thought it was an interesting camera but for that amount of money I'd better get a D700. Or get the new Panasonic, or a G10 / G11 and have money left for a nice trip abroad...

For $ 2,000 I would have expected at least an image stabilzer but well, it's Leica, what can you expect? Modern technology obviously not, overpriced by about 200% yes.
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I thought it was an interesting camera but for that amount of money I'd better get a D700. Or get the new Panasonic, or a G10 / G111 and have money left for a nice trip abroad...

Yes, I've decided to spend the money on a Mediterranean trip instead! - wander around shooting with my D40 and old primes! the pictures should look similar! ;)
Well, that's cleared that up, then. No Deal!
I've decided to wait for the E-P2 to appear or maybe even the Voigtlander RD-2.
Meantime I'll stick with film.
While there are a wide range of income and net worths among the RF market, the large majority are being priced out by Leica. And that's a shame, because the largest percentage of really good photographers who would benefit from an X1 or M9 are forced to either go with a DSLR or stick with a film M, most often a used M2, M3, M4, etc.

My guess is that Leica's wage scale and overhead expenses are way out of line, but it's a matter of prestige, not sound business sense.

Pffft. I'll buy an M4-P or ZM.
this X1 is way too much expensive. 2000 dollars for a cam ( with a bigger sensor so what ? ) with a 2.8 lens ? At this price they should have put in a 1.4 lens, with a REAL low light capability.
Anyway, a nice price for this camera would be more around 1200 dollars than 2000 dollars and they should offer a leather case and the viewfinder... ( ok i'm delirious... ) The only thing i like about is the design, I really like it.
And what's with the pop-out lens? First, that's very un-Leica-like. Second, it seems totally unneccessary and futher complicates the design. Third, they miss the opportunity to over-charge for a lens cap! :p