Leica X1 still in the box


Famous Photographer
Local time
12:14 PM
Feb 7, 2006
My local dealer had an X1 last week. On an impulse, I bought it.

But it has sat unopened for several days now. Buyer's remorse?

I like the idea of the X1 but I'm just not sure it it's for me.

Return it or open it...?
After what I've seen of the images posted here recently ... if it's not a money issue I'd be keeping it!
Send it me and I'll look after it until you decide ... I forgot to mention that option! :D
I have been thinking about if I should get one for sometime now, but decided that I am not going for it. IMHO, the lens, while it's an excellent performer, is too slow and limiting.
Though interesting as-is, X1 definitely would raise more excitement if it had a Summicron of the same focal length. So, Dave, do you trust your first impluse? I've found these are often a pretty good indication of what I really want...
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I would not have bought it in the first place, I think. But now that you have it,maybe you should use it. It is a sluggish camera, however, especially on AF, and as you cannot focus in the viewfinder, you need to use AF, or use it in Cell-Phone style at arm's length. It would drive me up the wall.
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considering the other cameras you have...keep it ! for sure it will not disturb and for a "daily" use it seems to be "the camera" !
PS of course, lease, post some pics if you keep it !
My local dealer had an X1 last week. On an impulse, I bought it.

But it has sat unopened for several days now. Buyer's remorse?

I like the idea of the X1 but I'm just not sure it it's for me.

Return it or open it...?

I did the same thing except I opened up the box and used the camera ; )

Then sold it a few days later ... First time I ever experienced buyers and sellers remorse simultaneously .... strange feeling ...any way the Image quality is amazing ... It's a camera you really want to love but there is enough to make you question wether this camera was worth taking it out of the box .....
I did enjoy using the camera and may give it another try if they work out a few things that I felt made the camera frustrating to use ... It's easy enough to sell so take it out of the box and give it a try you may just love this camera :)

I would not be surprised if you are not already getting offers on the X1 ; )
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I can't imagine buying something; taking it home; and not opening the box immediately.

If I ever did such a thing, I'd suspect that I didn't really want it to begin with.

But maybe that's just me.


If you haven't opened it yet, there's likely a good reason :D.

When it comes to the M9 or X1, the most difficult decision is NOT to buy, assuming funding exists..... (i.e. don't have to forego a few essentials like eating....)

I think that your ability NOT to open the box, indicates that the X1 is NOT a MUST buy for yourself.

Return it and use the money for something that you really want :rolleyes:.

If you haven't opened it yet, there's likely a good reason :D.

When it comes to the M9 or X1, the most difficult decision is NOT to buy, assuming funding exists..... (i.e. don't have to forego a few essentials like eating....)

I think that your ability NOT to open the box, indicates that the X1 is NOT a MUST buy for yourself.

Return it and use the money for something that you really want :rolleyes:.

the manner of purchase - and subsequent ignoring, suggests there is plenty more available to accommodate further whims! :rolleyes:
If you are on the fence with this camera, then you will find many of its shortcomings an excuse to get rid of it. However, if you use it... despite its short-comings, you may just end up liking it. I love mine as a take anywhere camera, but my photography generally doesn't require fast AF.
When would you carry it instead of the M9?

When your main concern is not photography. The X1 is light and doesn't feel like you have a camera around your neck. Also, the X1 is great camera in its own right, so you can leave the M9 home and enjoy something different. Sometimes different cameras make you think differently about how you photograph. Looking through and LCD to compose is different than a rangefinder... so you may photograph differently.
I would not buy a camera with a lens that shoots in /out on a motor. Talk about built in weakness.

No interchangeable lens or zoom. This would drive me crazy. I thought I was in heaven when I got my first Pentax Spotmatic in 1966. One camera, 7 lenses, all on one day.
I made Selwyn Schwartz`s day at Altman Camera in Chicago.
I don't understand the question. Either the camera fits your shooting style and fills an unmet need, or it doesn't. How can anyone else answer this question?
You have quite a stable of cameras already. What was behind your impulse to begin with? Maybe that'll help you figure out what to do.
I'd open it.

I have an X1 -- two, actually.

And I have loved shooting with them.

Yes, the auto-focus is a little slow. But if you put a small viewfinder on it -- I actually use a Voigtlander, to good end -- there is something really fun about this camera. It's no M9, but then again, sometimes you want something even more spontaneous. I say, if money is not your biggest concern, open it, and enjoy it!