Let’s see some of the earliest photos you’ve made —

A few more early pictures…
These are wonderful! A time machine!

That Kodachrome photo is simply the perfect example of Kodachrome colors. Also, the Kodak infrared. I miss that film.

Are those the live oaks in Northern California? I love seeing those, near Redding.
I recently went through some slides from the early 70's and picked some out to scan. This is one from 1972 of my wife. I used my first camera, a Mamiya Sekor 1000DTL with 55/f1.4 lens that I bought a year earlier in the Navy Exchange in Norfolk, VA. I used the camera throughout the 7 years in the service and into the 80's and still have it. Finding it in a drawer a year ago started me on a journey to reintroduce myself to film. I found that a lot of the slides had aged badly, but the Kodachrome transparencies I have were as vivid as I remembered them. A lot of detail in this photo, and it was not scanned at high resolution.
I have many photos older than this one but I have not scanned them.

The camera was a Nikon F2 with Tri x.

Kathy - Miami Beach - Summer, 1977
