Look to your left, first object you see is your weapon when the zombies attack us

One cat (from a choice of five) on offer to trade for a Tele-Rolleiflex, a Leica M11, or some such...

Get in quickly while it lasts...
Let's bargain. What will you trade for a non-functional Mamiya C2? Think about it; that Mamiya could take out any zombie (a strong throwing arm is necessary)! I'll consider trading for a couple of used but functional cats...
First item I saw was a notepad. Are zombies vulnerable to poetry?
Probably. I have a friend who teaches high school English, and he says those kids can't wait to flee the classroom when he reviews Tennyson. Pretty much the same response from zombies, for pretty much the same reason. I'm sure a slim volume of Rilke will protect you from the worst imaginable zombie assault.
Probably. I have a friend who teaches high school English, and he says those kids can't wait to flee the classroom when he reviews Tennyson. Pretty much the same response from zombies, for pretty much the same reason. I'm sure a slim volume of Rilke will protect you from the worst imaginable zombie assault.
I mean, I flee from Tennyson myself, but I can get behind a Rilke ward (or Heaney, or Neruda, or Larkin, or Williams...). I guess I'm a 20th century guy, or WAY older than the neoclassicists. Give me some Homer or Virgil.