Lukewarm service from Leica NJ


eat sleep shoot
Local time
4:41 PM
Apr 4, 2012
Back in September, after a 2 week vacation in Europe I decided to drop my M240 and 35mm summicron at The Camera Store to be serviced by Leica NJ.
My M240 and lens was splashed by salt water while in Italy and the sensor was pretty dirty.
I like dealing with The Camera Store directly as their fee is a flat $30 to start the process and mail my camera to any service centers.

6 weeks later, I still haven't heard back from The Camera Store so I started calling them for an update.
A few days later, they got back to me with the following quote from Leica.

Body - $320
adjust r/f, check complete meter system, clean sensor, upgrade current standard noc, check/clean/adjust all functions to specification

Lens - $520
repair focusing mount, repair diaphragm aperture ring, clean optics, install focus grip, repair and adjust focus operation, general check/clean/adjust

The lens was actually working perfectly for me so I asked them to send it back and work on the body only.

Last friday I get a call from The Camera Store saying that my camera and lens are back so I quickly stopped by the store during my lunch time, excited to see my camera and lens after over 2 months of separation.
I see the lens was mounted on the body so I borrowed a battery to test them out, started looking through the viewfinder while reaching the lens to focus but I couldn't feel the focusing tab on the lens.
Quickly did a visual inspection on the lens and yup, the focusing tab was missing.
So I left the lens at The Camera Store again which means I will not have my lens again for another 6 weeks. Fortunately I'm not much a 35mm shooter anymore, preferring 28/50 so not a big loss.

I dealt with Canon for a lens in the past and Fuji for my GSW690III with no problem, so I was expecting equal or better service from Leica.
Update on this as Leica NJ support seems to be abysmal.

I didn't see the Summicron 35mm lens until March (over 3 months waiting from Leica NJ). Once I had it in my hand, it sat on the shelf for most of the time as I've rarely used this lens.
To my disappointment, when I started using it again I noticed that the hood was a little crooked, quick inspection and I realized that the aperture line was off and that the front lens was loose and can be unscrewed.
Called Leica NJ mid September, someone answered and emailed me asking for my contact information so that they can mail me a UPS return label. After providing the info I never heard back from the tech, either via email or voicemail.
So after a week I called again, another tech and answered and same deal, they emailed me, I provided my info then another week of ignoring emails and calls.
Called again today and was able to talk to another lady, they said they will send me a return label today or tomorrow and will confirm me once it's on its way.

Never expected such an inefficient service from a company that caters to the luxurious.
Sent my M9-P in on September 29th for the sensor issue. Was told ten days to log the camera and reply to me with any update. So far nothing. I called every day last week and every day this week thus far without talking to anyone besides the receptionist. Left voicemails, and still nothing. Very disappointed as well.
From everything I have heard about Leica NJ, f you got a luke-warm result you did very well. A lot f people seem to do better sending their cameras to Wetzlar.
The reason luxury brands are luxury brands and charge what they do is because of how they take care of their customers before, during and after the sale.
It seems that Leica in the USA is only a luxury brand before and during the sale. They become a discount store brand after the sale.
I emailed Customer Service last Saturday morning at 10am EST with a question concerning the M9 that they have in house. I had a reply at 2:30 pm EST on Saturday. They seem to reply to emails much better than calls.
I emailed Customer Service last Saturday morning at 10am EST with a question concerning the M9 that they have in house. I had a reply at 2:30 pm EST on Saturday. They seem to reply to emails much better than calls.
I got excellent email answers until I sent the camera.
After my current experience there, I'd rather try to learn German to ship to Wetzlar than ship again to NJ.
I have used Leica NJ once, the first and the last.
Very poor customer service, almost impossible to reach anyone that can give a status update on a repair.
Very disappointing to hear that I'm not the only one having terrible services from Leica NJ.

The lady that I called yesterday was finally able to send me a UPS label via email... how hard was this to do that 2 previous tech couldn't do it?
But now the scary part is sending the lens to them and wait.
Wow... that's really bad news.

I used their services a few times, back around 2006-2008, when I had an issue with one of my M6TTL bodies. Their turnaround was about a month, and if you needed to speak with a technician on the phone it could be done. Their service supervisor was very good at replying to e-mails and even sold me (for an arm and a leg, but worth it) a lens hood with opening for my Elmarit 28mm (third version). Given that recently I was pondering about sending my M6TTL again to them, I think I won't...

Sincerely, best of luck with your repairs... It's a pity their service has gone this bad...
Quite unfortunate & understandably frustrating. Hope it all turns around to your satisfaction. I've dealt with Leica NJ three times and have had the oppostie experience as yours with each encounter - prompt replies to queries, requests/estimates... granted this was over 3 years ago. With the 3 dealings (which spanned over 2 years), I dealt with pretty much the same staff/technician/rep. New personnel perhaps?
Anyway, wish you the best of luck.
Seems to me that the more the bad service reports are disseminated at this site (and potentially others), the more likely it is that folks who "were" interested in Leica may now have reservations about a new or future purchase of the Leica brand. Especially considering the very high prices.

Granted, this may not translate to a large volume of sales, but still, bad reports do eventually get around. The Leica company should sit up and take note of this and correct the service issues at whatever office is troublesome to avoid cutting their own throats long-term.

Would I ever buy any modern Leica equipment? NOPE! I have read about just too many quality and service issues for me to give consideration.

Just my two cents for what it is worth.
Lukewarm service from Leica NJ

I spoke with a big used gear vendor today at the PhotoPlus expo in NYC. He said that he's had people tell him of internal thefts over there at Leica NJ. One of his customers got a brand new 240 body and lens in replacement for a "lost" M9. I went over to the leica booth and after fondling a Noctilux for a brief few I gave the rep some words about having my M9 for a month without word. He took my card and promised to make it right. So hopefully this will be a new chapter with my Leica NJ experience.
I still remember giving my 35mm f2 ver 4 German to the Leica guy at the booth at Photoplus nyc for a "free" examination and element "cleaning"..
I handed them a good clean lens in mint cond..and got back 5 min later..a lens with grease on the rear element and dirt sticking there too..
Then they tried to clean it a 2nd and 3rd time..and guess what..polishing marks..all over both elements..
I'll never forget that..or make that mistake again..
I still remember giving my 35mm f2 ver 4 German to the Leica guy at the booth at Photoplus nyc for a "free" examination and element "cleaning"..
I handed them a good clean lens in mint cond..and got back 5 min later..a lens with grease on the rear element and dirt sticking there too..
Then they tried to clean it a 2nd and 3rd time..and guess what..polishing marks..all over both elements..
I'll never forget that..or make that mistake again..

Oh man. Did they fix it in the end?
Leica Customer Service? Does not exist in New Jersey!

Leica Customer Service? Does not exist in New Jersey!

I sent a Leica 35mm R lens for service to their New Jersey facility in June 2016. My FedEx tracking told me that the lens arrived there after a three day shipping period. I got a receipt from Leica in late July informing me that they had received my lens. After another month I received a call from a technician, that the part needed was being shipped from Germany (Solms) and that I would receive my lens back in about 6 weeks. I do not have the lens back yet and it is December!
What kind of responsible (and GERMAN) company takes over a month to notify receipt of an item this expensive? And then 5 more weeks of trouble shooting the problem? I have been on the phone for at least two hours listening to some music while waiting for someone to answer the telephone for info about my lens. When I did speak to a real person, they had no idea of what I was talking about (these persons should not be allowed to answer phones - they do not know how!)

To get this sort of treatment from a company as revered as LEICA is just not right. Their reputation has always been on par with the BEST products available anywhere. Their service is a not so funny joke.

Totally frustrated Leica customer
One wonders whether the problem is the volume of repairs (not a good sign) or a lack of personnel (also not a good sign), or both (really not a good sign).