M8 still worth it in 2018?

Old camera means less reliability and problems with spares plus repair prices wich would surely over the value of the camera

I never get this logic, people have no problem to buy a new car where they loose 5 times the money if the turn the first time the engine on and drive off the dealers show room, but getting afraid that that old a camera for 1k breaks directly. if it breaks at some point (big big if) simply buy another one. In the area around 1k I wouldn't mind. If you buy a new digital camera in the 2K area these days you loose the same amount of money after 2-3 years. Means, if the M8 works for 2-3 years, and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't, you pay 3$ for it per day in worst case. Compare this to other stuff spend on a daily basis.

And in regards to the IQ of the M8 and its 'outdated' sensor, I reactivated my still working 15 year old Fuji F10 (only small sensor with 5MP CCD, only JPG output), printed some files on my Epson P600 in A4 and showed them my heavily in photography involved friends, they couldn't believe it. Me neither.

At the end, if you really want a digital rangefinder (the Fuji X-E3 is nice but not a RF), thats the cheapest way to get it next to the Epson RD-1. Add a Leica lens which keeps its value no matter when you sell it, alternatively a used Voigtlaender, done. If my eyes were better these days I would buy one again in a heartbeat for the current prices.

If a Leica M8 (or whatever) is worth to buy is less a question of price or age , it's more a question of personal value, so at the end we can't answer this question, only you can. We only can give you some opinions to think about.

If you want the cheapest digital Leica M camera because you only feel like using a digital Leica M camera, then yes, it could be still worth it. It`s ISO performance is closer to film standards than modern digital, but used within low ISOs, you can still make great photos and still print up to 13x19" that a pixel peeper can be ok with. I`ve moved on, but I certainly used a M8 way past its supposed due date in the past.
Yes, I read that right there in his first sentence. :)

If the OP wants a new camera that is less bulky and as he says "for the pleasure of it and a little street photography" I would personally steer clear of an M8 and spend the money on something like a new Fuji rangefinder, which for about $1K offers the less bulky part, and maybe the pleasure part too. But that's just me.

There is no such thing as a new Fuji rangefinder.