Medium Format ... long may it live!

Mathias nice pictures and they are pin sharp Im actualy considering getting a 645 fuji probably a wide angle .

Thanks! I actually bought the GA for that trip to Mexico, didn't want to bring any of my normal cameras in case they got stolen (my first trip there, admittedly prejudiced). I was very pleased with it both from a usability point of view (I love how it's portrait oriented when held normal) and the picture quality is amazing. I think I had a single image that wasn't in focus, so it seems quite reliable.

Might be getting a wide to go with it, although the 60mm is wide enough for most of what I need.

Highly recommended!
120 is a dear hobby ,I have a Kiev88 its not getting much use .It seemed a good idea at the time.The cost of developing is expensive,even develope ,CD and no prints
Self-processed black-and-white can be dirt cheap, especially if you already own a suitable scanner.

Even if a person only shoots a few rolls a month the costs can be kept very low by using high concentrate liquid developers like HC-110 and Rodinal due to their long shelf life.
I just picked up four developed rolls of C-41 film from WMart. Cost was $0.84 for each roll. I will scan them myself at home.
I've just entered the world of MF (via a Mamiya 7), and so far I'm loving it. The detail in a MF chrome is just astounding. It's really reinvigorated my love of film.

What's best, even flatbed 2400 dpi scans looks great, because the the neg/chrome is so big.