My repaired M8-2018

Thank you, Raid, as well.
My two DSLRs are 2009 and slightly new one on second shutter.
And I'm hoping to get ten years from M-E. Eight to go :)
My photography is limited to beach scenes and family portraits and some travel photography each summer. I am fine with what I own in equipment.
You saved quite a bit getting it repaired instead of replaced, Raid. I hope it serves you well for many more years.

Raid photos look great. Looks like it is still functioning like a champ. If it is working as well as it seems to then it was $500 well invested. The M 8 is still a great camera as is the M 9. I still have my M-E and I still enjoy shooting with it a lot.
Thanks for your feedback here. I am using the M8 every time I go out to take photos since I got it back repaired.
Thanks for your feedback here. I am using the M8 every time I go out to take photos since I got it back repaired.

That's good Raid. I am trying to use mine more too. For a long time I have been dissatisfied with the viewfinder and the manner in which my deteriorating sight coped with it. I have an adjustable diopter on the M8 but could never seem to get it really clear enough to make it pleasant to use. It was always a struggle and a battle. I tried some serious experimenting with the diopter adjustments and swapped eyes and now I finally have found a setting that works better for me. Moving from my left eye to my right eye (which I prefer and use with all other cameras) helped a lot once I found a diopter setting that works with it. Hence the M8 is now easier and more pleasant to use and more enticing so I am more inclined to use it and it's getting a run.

I recall when I first bought it I was enjoying the images it made and took pleasure in its use but somehow that seemed to get lost as my eyes aged and I just assumed my eyes were now so bad that I could not compensate. Thankfully I now think I was wrong.

Still you would have thought that Leica could contrive to design a better viewfinder with some kind of built in diopter adjustment in its latest cameras rather than sticking to this old an clunky add on diopter mode.

The other thing I have done is stick more to normal and wider lenses which helps my "hit rate" a lot. I love longer (90/135mm lenses) lenses but maybe will reserve them for mirrorless cameras using adapters. The camera is presently looking very sexy with a nice 50mm Canon f1.4 and original silver Canon hood mounted on it. Compliments the silver body nicely.
Hi Peter,
I have been luck with my eyesight so far. Have you tried AF lenses on M 4/3 cameras? The 25/1.4 "Lux" is a good lens that always gives me sharp images on my old M 4/3 cameras. Leica should consider some improvements to assist with focusing.