New Hassleblad X1D System

Timing is great for me, I have been investigating MF digital for a couple of months. I really like the look of it. Now if it is a true Hassie that shoots square I am in.
Right, but I don't think any of the FF mirrorless lenses are baffled except for some Sony FE's and the SL 24-90? None of the modern M lenses are.

Considering the M lenses have to have an image circle large enough for a ~42mm diameter, I would think you should get around what you were predicting. Some FF DSLR system lenses, particularly zooms at certain points in their zoom range, will cover larger than FF, though the question is how good they'll be at the edges on a larger format... But it would require de-baffling many or all of those.

Over on the FM alt forum a number of years ago, I recall a guy adapted a Canon FD 85/1.2L lens to Mamiya 645 film, and believe it covered pretty much the full image area, but IIRC, he didn't have infinity focus.
Considering the M lenses have to have an image circle large enough for a ~42mm diameter, I would think you should get around what you were predicting. Some FF DSLR system lenses, particularly zooms at certain points in their zoom range, will cover larger than FF, though the question is how good they'll be at the edges on a larger format... But it would require de-baffling many or all of those.

Over on the FM alt forum a number of years ago, I recall a guy adapted a Canon FD 85/1.2L lens to Mamiya 645 film, and believe it covered pretty much the full image area, but IIRC, he didn't have infinity focus.

I'm somewhat intrigued by the prospect of shooting 135 wides (21mm,28mm) on a square format with no loss of frame compared to FF. The other fun thing to do would be using Leica teles (APO 90, 75) for portraits on a square format.

$9,000 is still a lot of money, more than what I sold my entire Pentax 645 kit for. It would be fun to see what people can do with this body and adapted lenses, though...
There was a rumor about a new camera with M-mount; clearly this Hasselblad is not that. The sensor is reportedly 33x44mm, same physical size as the one in the Pentax 645Z, and perhaps related to it. By comparison, the Leica S sensor is in the same ballpark at 30x45mm. These are significantly larger than "full frame" so I would not expect full frame lenses to be routinely applicable, while acknowledging that some long Leica R lenses cover ok adapted to the S. I do think the short register distance will make it likely many other medium-format lenses can be adapted.

33x44mm has a diagonal of 55mm, to give an idea of "normal" focal length (vs 43mm for full-frame 35), and the "crop factor" is 0.8
How the hell do you suddenly peel fifteen hundred dollars off the price of a camera. I realise they are keen to get rid of the things but ........ :confused:

At current prices you get the better warranty, a super-nice box, strap, case and a wooden grip for $200 extra.

I bought one as a gift for a close friend and photographer...
How the hell do you suddenly peel fifteen hundred dollars off the price of a camera. I realise they are keen to get rid of the things but ........ :confused:

They can do it because the camera was grossly overpriced to begin with, in an attempt to milk idiots entranced by a name. They're probably still making a profit after taking off that $1500.
$9000 is a great price for a Hassy. It's not that much more than the Pentax 645Z, so they've clearly turned away from the last few years of hideous and laughably marked up Sony cameras, and they're not positioning it as a veblen good like Leica. I can't wait until it's obsolete. :D

As for the design, the front looks like a flattened 500c/m, which doesn't jive with the 4:3 sensor. It's not an "honest" design, just a lame version of retro. The "H" logo is an eyesore, too, worse than the Leica red dot. That said, the shape of the evf hump could have been worse. I do hope Fuji is involved and will have their own redesigned version. If not, I hope they really are making a medium format mirrorless camera. the lenses have leaf shutters? Is the LCD articulated? Will there be tilt/shift lenses? Is it weathersealed?
Actually I think this is a nice design. Very german, very slick and robust looking. ..

I thought Hasselblad was meant to be Swedish?

Hmm, maybe they should put some antlers on it.

I like the design too, not sure why some think this is ugly. It looks much better than the Leica SL, any of the Sonys etc etc
In fact, it looks awfully like a digital mamiya 7, and peeps seem to like those.