New ZM lens in 2013

I wonder how long it takes to design lenses like the Otus, and the Touit models. And how long it takes to design and build a good RF lens.

It's understandable that Zeiss only has so much resources that it can devote to different lens projects, and that a new RF lens would be on the back burner, compared with new lenses for mirrorless cameras.

Doesn't stop me thinking about a Zeiss 35/1.4 that is priced well below the Leica FLE, though.
I was at show recently and asked the Zeiss rep. He said we would see the lens at Photokina this year and implied it was a 35mm.
Zeiss really fell in love with Sony :
"Touit and ZM lenses on the Sony A7R - a good connection" (March, 21th):

(ps : Zeiss answered quickly afterwards, thanks to their team)

We are currently working on manual focus lenses for full-frame CSCs like the Sony Alpha 7R. They are expected to be in stores by the end of 2014,

this was nice to know. thinking about it, by using designs from ZM line, it should not be too expensive or time consuming for Zeiss to bring whole lens system for Sony A7. only wide angles would need some more work, or use SLR type designs for them.

am running out of excuses not to buy Sony A7 :eek: :p
35mm huh?

From what I understand, Sonnar designs are hard to produce at 35mm - true, asymmetric Sonnars that is, like the 50/1.4.

So I'd be surprised if it wasn't a Planar at f1.4. I'd be pretty pleased with that. Hopefully one that more like the 50/2 Planar and less like the CV 35/1.4, who's design, while double guass, looks very much like the older 35 Cron design, pushed an extra stop.
I'd be more inclined to think it's a telecentric design, so that would be a 35/1.4 distagon.

if Zeiss could recapture the magic of the C/Y 35/1.4 in a relatively small 35, I'd straight up re-enter M mount.
What zeiss needs is not another 35, but a BODY.

Strip off the thick covers on the A7 sensors, make a nice RF style Mirrorless with Sony focus aids and drop it on the market for around 2k.

They would never be able to make enough. :)
A Zeiss Ikon digital rangefinder, the digital equivalent of the ZM film camera, would be nice! What to call it? ZMd? dZM?
Zeiss would still make more money designing lenses for other cameras.

I mean look even at the ZM line - based on the M mount, I'd argue the vast majority of the lenses sold, we're not used on an Ikon. I'd say most are used on a Leica.

Zeiss doesn't need a body.

Back to the 35mm lens, yes a 35/1.4 Distagon would be excellent, if large.
With its good relation with Sony-Konica, maybe Zeiss could create an Hexar RF 2.
The main task is to redesign the HXR's rangefinder (longer telemetric base, more robust, and does not turn your CLA tech guy crazy).
I am not convinced that Zeiss needs another 35mm considering how awesome both the 35/2 and 35/2.8 are.

As for a digital ZM...if that really came true, and the camera retained the slim, good looks of the ZM, I'd have my pre-order in place before you could say jack robinson.
I think what people are after is a Zeiss ZM digitsl, with leica M mount, designed to be used with new and existing M mount lens, without an adapter.
I could dream of a new film ZM, but this will probly remain a dream. No PC or software needed, no newer ending software 'upgrades'.