Noctilux Photos

Tri-X / R09

Hey Chandler - great intimate photographs - we should rename the thread to Chandler's Noctilux thread ;-)

BB - that photo with the construction worker with red helmet and the red bag on the saddle of the parked tricycle is priceless - love that one!

John - nice pair - well seen and captured !

I grabbed my beloved ƒ1 for the first time in weeks again after shooting older glass for some time now.
Coming back to the Noctilux is always eye opening, once you see the negatives/ digital files the first time again.

A construction worker zooming around a corner in a small back alley, on his way back home with a young woman as passenger on his tricycle:


A welder in a repair shop, doing some work on a broken tricycle near a trash collection and sorting facility:



trash collectors coming in with recycle material:

… sometimes so heavily loaded, that pulling the cart is the only mode of transport

After some weeks without workout, I revived my focussing muscles with the Noct again @ close focus panning shots (it feels difficult, if you didn't do it in a while):

A happy couple, having a romantic walk in the rain…

…at the Bund, watching the skyline of Shanghai:
hi menos, thanks! just thinking if i post more, maybe i can see more photos from you guys.
It certainly works ;-)

Gabor - better not mess with the people around the sidewalk, where you live ;-)
