Noctilux Photos

Very nice tones Vincent! (And, I can't tell if the dog is a statue or not...).

May I ask what aperture you used for this photo? I ask because, although I generally use the Noctilux at f/1, I also like the look of the lens in the f/2-2.8 range. And your shot reminds me of that look.

I find f/1.4 to be a sort of watered-down f/1 look - neither here-nor-there - but f/2-2.8, WOW, smooth look, sharpened up, vignetting is greatly reduced!

Leica M7
Noctilux 50/1.0 (yellow filter)
Acros 100 / HC-110 'B'
Keeping Watch by Days of My Ordinary Life (Vincent), on Flickr
Very nice tones Vincent! (And, I can't tell if the dog is a statue or not...).

May I ask what aperture you used for this photo? I ask because, although I generally use the Noctilux at f/1, I also like the look of the lens in the f/2-2.8 range. And your shot reminds me of that look.

I find f/1.4 to be a sort of watered-down f/1 look - neither here-nor-there - but f/2-2.8, WOW, smooth look, sharpened up, vignetting is greatly reduced!

Thank you very much! Sorry for the late reply.

I usually shoot at F/1.0 but this photo might have been made at F/2.0 if I remember correctly as I wanted the dog and the Mother Mary's statue to be in focus.
With the e58 11821 version and Leica M7, 1/60 @f1, EI3200, Okavango Delta, Botswana.

