New York NYC March Meet-Up

Cal, Phillipe has a great idea. Your book could be the antithesis of Kevin Kwan's "Crazy Rich Asians". Kevin lives in Manhattan by the way. He's a good guy.
Seconding the idea of a book or heck, exporting some of that Piezography prints.

The genuine vision of NYC and its changes with the looming gentrification. There's way unrelevant stuff getting the spotlight.

And I think that from the vision of Europe it is quite interesting. I was talking to a painter acquitance and he sold the Barcelona paintings abroad (a NYer) but then a Barcelona guy commisioned him to do a Times Sq painting.

That shot from LIC drawing the freeway overpass into Empire State! We passed by the place and pity about the very well framed new highrise in front. I recall that it was taken with a Rolleiflex but lost the detail of being a Tele Rollei.

Yesterday I was at a photo (wedding) convention and had fun trying some machinery (lab was there and tried their Frontier scanner) but the best was meeting some other photogs. Rodney Smith was to do a workshop hadn't he sadly passed. A lot of talk about the transient nature.

I don't have the leverage in gallery contacts here, but may ask about their interest on NYC work if I get the opportunity.

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Cal, Phillipe has a great idea. Your book could be the antithesis of Kevin Kwan's "Crazy Rich Asians". Kevin lives in Manhattan by the way. He's a good guy.


Perhaps a different spin: One Crazy Asian. LOL. Perhaps more interesting due to focus and depth.

Gear Alert: I have seen a listing elsewhere for a 3.5E Xenotar priced $345 (I guess it'll be net $400 shipped here). Sans meter, good condition.
I inquired, damnit, but it's justifiable as a trading investment itself to draw some student funds. Emergency!

The other day I played with an Olympus EM1 and that 5 axis IS is mucho nice, 1,5s handheld and sharp. Wow
I don't have the leverage in gallery contacts here, but may ask about their interest on NYC work if I get the opportunity.

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I talked with some gal in a gallery last summer. I kinda got to know her during a 20 minute conversation. I asked for her card and also asked if I could show her some of my work. I still have to do that, but rhe gallery where she worked at was around the block from Aperture in the Photo District. After I left, I looked at the card and discovered that she was the Gallery Manager.

Having a show does not really change your life. Way back in the early eighties, when I was a painter, I had a two person show downtown that had been curated by a rather big art critic. Like I said, my life remained the same.

I'm using some 12x18 prints that I offset onto 17x22 paper to create a rather big table-top book. It is kind of a workbook, but I can see how this book could present opportunities to exhibiting.

I have to confess that I am avoiding dealing with all the negatives I have made without any regard to printing or editing. What a headache, but pretty much I span a decade of a changing New York. Especially featured are Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Long Island City because I lived there.

Off topic, Prest, where In Spain are you.?
All my family is from Asturias, I try to go every year.
Actually living about 45min-1h away, southwest of Barcelona on the Coast. Born in the province, studied and spent loads of time in Barcelona, but never lived in the city itself.

I liked to Poke fun at some locals or classmates living in town, outsmarting them about the city.

Met up with Cal during a short visit to NY but missed that month meet up by a couple days. Enough to be a fan of the "Old man episodes". I'm sure that in some future I might do another NY visit and chain some meets.

I am though awaiting a notice for a period abroad, or I myself will just move out towards Europe. Wandering is good.
I actually flew to NY from Stockholm, ending a Semester on exchange there. There's some serious price war on Low Cost Airlines in Barcelona beginning this year, but I don't have the timing to grab something to US this season.
Gear Alert: I have seen a listing elsewhere for a 3.5E Xenotar priced $345 (I guess it'll be net $400 shipped here). Sans meter, good condition.
I inquired, damnit, but it's justifiable as a trading investment itself to draw some student funds. Emergency!

The other day I played with an Olympus EM1 and that 5 axis IS is mucho nice, 1,5s handheld and sharp. Wow

Oh, that sounds good and $345, to bad I didn't know I would of sold you
my E with a Zeiss lens.
Cal, was your Monochrom delivered as promised?

Welcome back to the Friday episode of "This Old Man." In our last segment Maggie was home from Spring Break and was waiting for Cal's Monochrom delivery, but due to the errands that a fashion blogger has to do could only cover the morning, so Cal took a half day off to be home for the afternoon or evening delivery.

It got kinda bleak after 8:00 PM, and it seemed like Calvin got stiffed again with Third World service, but this time by UPS instead of Fed-Ex like last time, but a mirror-Cal happened and the Cyber Doorman called at 8:45 PM.

"So Cal were you relieved?"

"Norm it was rapture: bad to good. For a while I was really annoyed and pissed off. You know when that happens my friends tell me "I an worse than a woman." LOL. I was really surprised. It does seem like "divine intervention" if you get a package delivered in East Harlem that requires a signature. Somehow UPS just used the Cyberdoorman, and then Cyberdoorman notified me."

"Can you explain how having a Cyberdoorman works for our readers that are unfamiliar with the term?"

"Certainly. Basically it is just like having a doorman, but he or she is at a remote site, and an intercom and video cameras are utilized to locate the Cyberdoorman into the lobby of my "Ghettobuster" building."

"Ghettobuster is another interesting term. Is this another one of those novel words you invented?"

"Yep. A Ghettobuster is a new building that does not fit into an existing ghetto neighborhood. Basically all the surrounding poorer people all know where the rich folk live."

"So how is your Monochrom?"

"It is kinda weird getting it back recovered. My old covering was worn smooth in some areas, and the new covering does not go with the silvering along the top plate and the bit of scuffing that denotes a well used camera. The camera works as if new.

"The paperwork denotes 4 hours labor, but does not specifically say the sensor was replaced. It does specify that the electronics were adjusted. I did not get charged for return shipping and when I sent it in I was issued a pre-paid shipping label, so overall I paid nothing for the repair. I did wait 12 weeks though instead of the 8-10 that I was told.

"So here's the smut. I had to set my clipping indicators. Leica likely updated my firmware, but the real charm of my Monochrome is after using my SL since September of last year, that the MM is now a very basic and simple digital camera, and that is its charm, warts and all. LOL."

"So what can you tell us that might be colorful that happened over the weekend?"

"So this Valentino eye wear two page ad started to come out in all the fashion magazines. Terry Richardson was the photographer. So we saw the ad in Elle Magazine and In-Style thus far.

"Maggie is at the Chinese Embassy today getting a Visa for a big gig in China that her agent at Elite London is sending her to. There is another engagement in California, and now Maggie has 98K followers. Yesterday we went to Williamsburg to visit our old hood. Of course we hit the vintage shops, but carrying the SL with "Porky" mounted left me with a bit of muscle soreness in my neck and right arm. Anyways by the summer I should look like a monster, and I can feel my already thick neck getting even thicker.

"I ended up recycling the Leica 50 Lux "E60" for film and I converted the mount to a Leitax "almost Auto-Aperture" F-mount so I could mount it on my Nikon F3P without MD-4 motor-drive. I use the MF-18 databack to imprint the date inbetween frames so this camera is like a journal for photography. The "E" screen has a real nice focus snap.

"In use there is a lever to open the aperture for critical focusing, and for exposure all one has to do is release the lever for the diaphram to stop down. I love using this lens close to wide open because the rendering resembles a Noctilux, but without the fall off in the corners. What a hot rig.

"Then there is the F5 that has been optimized for use with either the 28/1.4 AF-D or the Noct-Nikkor. These are the two rarest Nikon SLR lenses, and the rendering is wonderful."

"So for now we have to conclude this episode of "This Old Man." See you soon.

Cal, I think you can check the sensor replacement by the firmware. My MM still has the original sensor, and the latest version you can download from the Leica site is 1.008 If your firmware is a number that is higher than 1.008, it is probably the non-corrodable one...someone correct me if I'm wrong here.
Cal, I think you can check the sensor replacement by the firmware. My MM still has the original sensor, and the latest version you can download from the Leica site is 1.008 If your firmware is a number that is higher than 1.008, it is probably the non-corrodable one...someone correct me if I'm wrong here.


Thanks for the info.

Although not specified on the paperwork about the sensor replacement I do believe my sensor was replaced. First off my camera was recovered; secondly it says 4 hours were billed; and thirdly the electronics were adjusted.

If I remember correctly my new firmware is 1.016. BTW the corrosion I experienced were only some small patches that happened only on some shots in the sky. Really minor.

I am so-so happy to have my Monochrom back. But why am I feeling this film binge happening. There is something very retro about this camera even though it is not too old, but I guess the MM is rather primitive and most basic like a film camera even though it is digital. Anyways a very strong bond to my MM perhaps because I used it so extensively.

BTW I really am in love with the lens I named "Porky." So accurate and sharp.

Keep the Philly trip in mind...

Cal, with your "This Old Man" episodes and other musings I'm sure you're consolidating your fan base here. You'll be past the 100k Maggie followers just on RFF. You and Ko.Fe, my other favourite good humoured and perspicacious guy, both need you own sub-fora, and maybe twitter accounts.
Pete, you need to come back to NYC, and may be even join us for one of the out-of-town (e.g. Philly) shoots.
JM, I'm working on it! I'm hoping towards the end of the year or maybe another January trip.
Hijack alert: if I get over to the US this year it will be primarily to visit family who are moving to Montgomery Alabama June-ish. Does anyone know much about this town apart from its historical race riots? I really should start a separate what-to-see and what-lenses thread.
Cal, with your "This Old Man" episodes and other musings I'm sure you're consolidating your fan base here. You'll be past the 100k Maggie followers just on RFF. You and Ko.Fe, my other favourite good humoured and perspicacious guy, both need you own sub-fora, and maybe twitter accounts.


I strive for entertainment value. "Maggie" is going to be a keynote speaker in China, and she has performed some research to find out what her followers want to know, so the three top items: what she looked like when younger (pre-fashion blogger); what she does to stay fit and young; and the smut on Calvin. LOL.

Anyways I am sure the Chinese government would not approve of my personality, my individuality, and my bad Cantonese attitude that only got further corrupted and compounded by being an American and New Yorker.

Anyways could you imagine my bad influence and bad attitude if there say a billion Chinese like me in the world? God help us. LOL. Anyways I am pretty sure the Chinese government would not approve of me. LOL.

Anyways I am sure the Chinese government would not approve of my personality, my individuality, and my bad Cantonese attitude that only got further corrupted and compounded by being an American and New Yorker.

My parents had a single day stopover in HK for a trip last January, for Chinese New Year nonetheless.
Dad told me that they went into some restaurant in Kowloon and he was amused by a very heated argument between three guys of the restaurant. All in the middle of it. The cook had his fishing boots and apron on, the server was rather lost and the manager; everyone yelling at each other.
His conclusion "Damn, those Chinese do have quite a mean attitude".

Oh, that sounds good and $345, to bad I didn't know I would of sold you
my E with a Zeiss lens.
Actually I wasn't looking for a TLR, but that morning I had an online friend asking about Rolleiflexes and Murphy's law had me see that listing. One only gets so far in resisting after quite some Rolleiflex talk.
Actually I took a look and the SN belongs to a sub-series named E, but with more similarities to an F. It has interchangeable hoods (no shotgun pump sound though?)
"Rollei Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 - Model K4C2. Similar to 3.5F, but without built in metering. Sold in UK & USA only."
It even makes sense investment wise, because I could sell it locally for some profit, and that justifies drawing some funds. :DHaven't yet received a response from the seller though. But it gets the itch after reading and looking too much Rollei for the last couple days!
Cal, I think you can check the sensor replacement by the firmware. My MM still has the original sensor, and the latest version you can download from the Leica site is 1.008 If your firmware is a number that is higher than 1.008, it is probably the non-corrodable one...someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

I just checked mine and firmware is 1.010.
Klaus, this is speculation on my part....I think the new non-corrodable sensor has a different firmware, and yours is the new sensor. I just re-checked the Leica support site, and for the MM, there is firmware 1.008 from 2014, and a new firmware 1.016 from 2016 to support the new 28mm lens. I'm guessing 1.01 supports the new sensor, and subsequent firmware updates (e.g. 1.016) support both the new and old sensor since the new sensor was introduced between 2014 and 2016. I wish Leica would put out some form of communication.