New York NYC March Meet-Up

I love my Rolleiflex's. But loading the damn thing in a hurry is an absolute pain. Anyone have tips for quick reloading? Btw for some reason, my 2.8E feels easier to load than the 3.5F!


There are only two ways I know of: one is to be like Richard Avedone and have several Rollies and have a camera assistant or two with the task of keeping all the cameras loaded; and two is do what Diane Airbus did and that was to carry three loaded Rollies in a knapsack.

I would think the newness of the 3.5F compounded by the familiarity of the Rollie 2.8 should erode over time.

In my case I generally carried two Rollies: a 3.5F and a Tele-Rollieflex. It is always quickest to grab a loaded camera.

BTW a Domke 803 is a bookbag that allows carrying two Rollies in a small bookbag style bookbag. I used Domke F2 side pocket inserts for padding that seemed ideal for fitting two Rollies in a Domke 803.

I think one of the reasons Rollies were favored by some Fashion shooters was the fast shooting capabilities. Really easy to blow through a roll. Who needs a SLR?

You just need to be blessed with Cal's strong neck and/or enhanced right arm, so that you can carry the things around :)


My best asset I am told by women is my little bubble butt from roller blading and bike racing.

This is why I think I was being recruited to be a pole dancer. Call me chubby-butt, especially for a skinny guy.

You know there are a few volunteers around here to do assistant!

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My fashion blogger gal uses me as a volunteer. Not only am I a photographer but many times the production assistant who is carrying her pocketbook, extra wardrobe, change of shoes, and make-up.

Basically I am an army of volunteers. LOL.


My best asset I am told by women is my little bubble butt from roller blading and bike racing.

This is why I think I was being recruited to be a pole dancer. Call me chubby-butt, especially for a skinny guy.


Cal, this is good to know! Pumping iron and working on the 6-packs is (as I have long suspected) a waste of time!!

Not that I'm a Camera Facist trying to impose, but a Tele-Rollieflex is an interesting camera for you. (135/4.0 (Sonnar) formula) I had the close focus Rollinar that allowed nice head and shoulder shots that exploited the shallow DOF. You happen to be rather good at exploiting these kinda shots.

I really liked the Tele-Rollieflex for urban landscape. The added focal length compressed the foreground, midground, and distance it a great way, and I feel it was a great asset that allowed me to make some of my best images ever. One of them is that night tripod shot of the Empire State Building from LIC alongside the elevated section of the LIE leading to the Midtown Tunnel.

Well Andre now has my old rig, and I miss it. Currently I have a 150/5.6 Sonnar that fits my Texas Leicas (GM670 and GL690). The longer reach is mighty handy, but of course I like the bigger negatives.

Pegging has become more popular these days.


Is this why they like my butt? LOL.

Kinda funny when I notice a guy checking out my butt, but then discovering I have a arrogant chin beard and that I'm a guy.

One of my old girlfriends was jealous that I had a better but than hers, and another took note at the slow drivers that mistook us as a pair of Lesbos.

Butts can be mighty attractive. LOL.


On the 35/1.8 Nikkor thread post number 309 has a B&W shot of Horst working.

Also focusing on ground glass without any focusing aids like a split prism is carried over into my SLR shooting. On my F3P and F5 I use "E" screens which is a matte ground glass with grid. I tend to focus on a single detail within a frame.

I still like rangefinders, but composing for me is most organic without reframing and using centered focus aids. In this manner the SL serves me well with it's movable spot metering and single focus point autofocus. Again it seems like Leica made a camera especially for me.

In printing I am seeing a pattern of what lenses I favor. Interesting to note that the only modern lens I favor is my 28 Cron, otherwise it is old retro glass that has all this glow, soft corners, and minimal contrast. I guess I like the old retro look. Although the 28 Cron is ASPH it does not have the overdone high contrast that moves too much into HDR land.

In my case it is the veiling flare wide open that gets curbed stopped down a little, the center sharpness with softer corners that also goes away upon stopping down, and the overall softer contrast. This is a retro look that looks old school.

Tried to love the 35 Lux ASPH pre-FLE, but it had a lot more contrast than the 28 Cron. The 28 Cron for me is ideal modern rendering with enhanced/broad mids. For 35mm I like the 35/1.8 Nikkor in LTM. With my printing I'm realizing how many of my good shots are with just these two lenses.

Probably why I like the rendering so much of the old "R" glass that is non ASPH. Anyways I frame all this in regards to B&W. I think in color I do love the more modern glass. Oh-well. BTW the native SL glass although ASPH big time has wonderful mids. How strange?


My fashion blogger gal uses me as a volunteer. Not only am I a photographer but many times the production assistant who is carrying her pocketbook, extra wardrobe, change of shoes, and make-up.

Basically I am an army of volunteers. LOL.


Is your name really Legion ?
Is your name really Legion ?

No lie at a National Lab my boss said in my review that single handedly I was "like an army of technicians."

Also a friend at Grumman where I worked who was a Navy SEAL during the Vietnam War asked me if I was in the military. When I said no, he made the comment that I had all the right stuff to be a SEAL. We talked a bit, and I asked him why, and he explained I was the right size and I had the right mindset that he recognized right away.

My friend "Zingo" was about my size 5'10" and lanky. I asked him wouldn't a bigger more muscular guy be better starting material? Zingo said, "The big powerful bodies work against the bigger guys. In the end they get weeded out because they end up not having the stamina of the smaller man. Also the smaller man has the advantages of speed and agility which are two of the three best assets to have in a fight. The third asset BTW is experience.

Ethnically I am Cantonese, and to be Cantonese is to be distinguished in a manner that New Yorkers are a separate breed that are distinguished from other Americans. Canton is surrounded by a ring of mountains and geographically it is a natural fortress. Feudilism thrived in Canton while the rest of China was unified for almost a thousand years, as Canton and the Cantonese were deemed ungovernable.

In 1960 the U.S. Census recorded less than 238K Asians in the U.S. About half those recorded Asians were ethnically Chinese, and of the Chinese recorded 95% were Cantonese. There is some truth to that we kinda look a like. In the past we all came from one small provence, but like Pit Bulls were were bred for fighting.

At Grumman I worked with many veterans, but because of my background I experienced mucho vicarious trauma. My friends used me in a way to confess the things they did. I learned what it was like to do those things they did, and I understand.

You see the first thing I learned in school was how to fight, and by third grade I learned how to be good at it. I had to endure and survive racially motivated attacks that would be called hate crimes today. Sadly this all was exacerbated because I lived in lillie white suburbes where my family did not fit in, meanwhile I grew up during the Vietnam Era... looking like the enemy.

The strange irony is that my dad was able to become a naturalized American citizen because of his service in the U.S. Army during WWII. In 1943 there was a loophole in "The Chinese Exclusion Act" and 1428 Chinese were allowed to become naturalized citizens via their military service. In 1952 again the Chinese would be considered the enemy due to the Korean War.

My oldest brother was drafted and fought in Vietnam in 1967; my second oldest brother was the Nuclear Operator on attack submarines; and my little brother was in the Air Force deployed in the Stratigic Air Command.

Sadly I did not have to learn how to fight in the military: I learned fighting just growing up. Know that I had to fight alone.

In today's episode of "This Old Man" Calvin yesterday got a UPS notice that a parcel requiring a signature is coming today. Cal thinks it is his beloved Leica Monochrom coming back from New Jersey after getting a Sensor replacement and a complete overhaul after 4 years of heavy use.

So today's drama is whether or not UPS will stiff Calvin like Fed-Ex did, and will this require another trip during bitter cold into a forsaken part of the Bronx to retrieve his high dollar item?

Maggie is currently home in the morning, and Calvin is taking half a day off from work to cover the afternoon. Stay tuned for the outcome. Will Calvin receive Third World treatment again in the worst neighborhood in Madhattan?

For now this is Norm. See you soon for the update.

Cal ,

You should write a novel of your picaresque journeys. You could just patch together all your RFF posts . It would start :

Ethnically I am Cantonese, and to be Cantonese is to be distinguished in a manner that New Yorkers are a separate breed that are distinguished from other Americans.

It would sell like crazy in Europe


Maybe add some photographs , like in William T Vollmann's "Empire"
In today's episode of "This Old Man" Calvin yesterday got a UPS notice that a parcel requiring a signature is coming today. Cal thinks it is his beloved Leica Monochrom coming back from New Jersey after getting a Sensor replacement and a complete overhaul after 4 years of heavy use.

So today's drama is whether or not UPS will stiff Calvin like Fed-Ex did, and will this require another trip during bitter cold into a forsaken part of the Bronx to retrieve his high dollar item?

Maggie is currently home in the morning, and Calvin is taking half a day off from work to cover the afternoon. Stay tuned for the outcome. Will Calvin receive Third World treatment again in the worst neighborhood in Madhattan?

For now this is Norm. See you soon for the update.


Actually I think the UPS depot there isn't to bad, if you go over that big bridge
you wind up in the bronx, Pelham Manor and Mount Vernon. There you will
one of the oldest Churches in New York and lot's of industrial buildings good
for picture taking.
Cal ,

You should write a novel of your picaresque journeys. You could just patch together all your RFF posts . It would start :

Ethnically I am Cantonese, and to be Cantonese is to be distinguished in a manner that New Yorkers are a separate breed that are distinguished from other Americans.

It would sell like crazy in Europe


Maybe add some photographs , like in William T Vollmann's "Empire"


After September 11th I had to process a lot of unresolved grief, in 2005 I got my MFA in Creative Writing from the New School, and it took over a decade, but I did write a full blown MSS that was a memior.

I do have a hell of a story, but unfortunately, I grew discouraged. Pretty much was short listed to attend Breadloaf Writers' Conference where one has to be invited, but no cancelation opened the slot I needed. Paula Dietz of the Hudson Review was going to publish one of my stories, but it did not get through a review board. Anyways either of these two opportunities would of changed my life.

Perhaps I will do a rewrite one day. I am a much better writer today, but this story has much sadness and loss. Took me over a decade to write. It is a disturbing story, but kinda remarkable.

Went to Foto-care for there Clearance Sale, picked up a Heliopan KR 1.5 39mm Filter
For $5.00, they did have a Bayonet 1 filter but need bayonet 2, other than that not
a lot just lighting, Bags and other stuff.