OM, I've become a Zuikoholic!

lovely pics---well mostly, if you dont mind a bit of constuctive critisium the 50 1.2 lookes pretty poor wide open imho (blossom shot) and maybe, people are being cut of at the knees on a few ;) composition wise, a touch distracting

No, actually, I don't mind at all, I hadn't even thought about composition or cropping when I first posted to flickr. I only made very slight tweaks to color and contrast before posting. Since you mentioned it, I'll go back and take a look, some of the photos for sure could use some editing.

As for the 55/1.2 being soft wide open, I think softness is more pronounced at close focus, and some of that might have to do with the difficulty of focusing with such a narrow dof. At middle distances through infinity, it performs admirably wide open. To be honest, it is much sharper wide open than I had hoped.
Hi, glad to have found this thread! I'm using OM 28/2.8, 50/1.8 and 135/2.8 with my E-P1 right now.
I'm looking forward to buy OM SLR..can suggest which the best and which to avoid? and which is easier to find a match battery.Thanks

Hi, glad to have found this thread! I'm using OM 28/2.8, 50/1.8 and 135/2.8 with my E-P1 right now.
I'm looking forward to buy OM SLR..can suggest which the best and which to avoid? and which is easier to find a match battery.Thanks

The best value is the OM-2N. It can be used either manual or automatic exposure and takes easy-to-find silver-oxide batteries. As with most cameras, the chrome bodies typically are cheaper than black bodies.
Bumping. Just got an OM-1, in part of my delayed GAS syndrome (try the cameras I wanted when I was younger and broker!). Putting the first roll of film through. First impressions: smooth. silky. quiet. Very quality feel. Compact; can't quite tell how this compares to my other cameras for overall usage.
OM-1 was my first experience of an OM. Still have the camera. Still like it as well as any other OM. It's a keeper, especially since it had a CLA.
I always think it feels so much better without the case - after all if M had expected it to be used with the case on he would have incorporated that in the design!
Enjoy your camera.
OM-1 was my first experience of an OM. Still have the camera. Still like it as well as any other OM. It's a keeper, especially since it had a CLA.
I always think it feels so much better without the case - after all if M had expected it to be used with the case on he would have incorporated that in the design!
Enjoy your camera.

Same for me. My original OM-1 is still going strong 32 years after I bought it secondhand after getting an evening job in a student cafeteria (I was 14 at the time, probably illegal now). I've had it CLA'd twice and it now has a black rewind crank rather than the original chrome but it's a fabulous camera which has taken some of my favourite pictures.
I printed these two today. After a couple of months of using medium format almost exclusively, I have re-discovered the joys of the beautiful, compact OM equipment.

"Dreaming about tomorrow"

(OM-1n, 135/3.5 at f/5.6, Ilford Pan F at ISO32, 8x10in hand print)

"Contemplating black coffee"

(OM-1n, 24/2.0 at f/4.0, Ilford FP4+ (ISO125), 5x7in hand print)

The 135/3.5 is one very underrated gem of a lens. It's so unbelievably tiny, I always carry it along, and it's yielded some really great, unexpectedly sharp images. It embodies the spirit of the OM system like few other lenses.
I kinda feel bad for my OM-1n & OM-2 as they haven't seen as much use since the E-P2 arrived. The M.Zuiko Digital 17mm f2.8 lens is very nice, small and quick, but the OM lenses are so sweet to use on the new Pen. I had a 85/2 a while back and sold it :bang: and now want another. Would the following be an equitable trade for a 85/2 in excellent condition?
Super Takumar 150/4
Super Takumar 50/1.4
Super Takumar 28/3.5
Fotodiox M42 to m43rds adapter.

I'm not sure on Takumar values but the Zuiko 85mm seems to sell on Ebuy for between £200 and £250 here in the UK.

Have you considered the Zuiko 100mm F2.8 - available much more cheaply and a very highly regarded lens...?


After shooting with rangefinders exclusively for the past 8 years, starting with the yashica gsn, I have finally found the system for me… and it is the OM :D
I just recently started using this system and it really fits my style and requirements. I now have what I consider a complete camera system with all my needs being met with:
1. OM-2n – with the AE, it is a perfect street and grab shot camera.
2. OM-1n – a nice manual / mechanical camera that slows down my shooting style and it is equipped with a matte 2-14 screen for low light situations. This camera IS my RF.
3. OM-2sp – spot metering and all around great back-up camera.

The basic reasons for loving the OM are the same reasons I liked RF’s so much; camera size, large viewfinder (easy on a glass wearer), build quality, great glass… they are a pleasure to use.
The other reason I really like the OM system is price… although I have been lucky with getting some great deals!!!... the OM system is so much lower priced than a leica or zeiss system and you get the same quality. Even with the prices going up or at the peak, the Zuiko lenses are still a deal compared to leica glass.
Now I have a nice assortment of lenses to fit my needs (50/1.2, 50/1.4, 50/1.8, 50 vivitar macro, 35/2.8, 28/2, and 100/2.8)… I have all that I need. Well, I will always lust after gear, but now it will be within the OM system.
I have sold off the last of my RF gear and I feel liberated (keeping the xpan tho, but that is in a league all by itself and I must keep a RF to be able to log-in here :))

With the above cameras and lenses, I have what I need to accomplish the photography I enjoy doing. I am only hindered by myself, not the equipment. They have more than enough features for me and will be able to perform should my needs change or my abilities grow.
There is not a situation that comes up that I needed a RF over the OM.
Official Zuikoholic!

OM! I've been bit too. But after trying three different cameras (1, 2sp, and 4), all I can say is that the OM-4 is close to the ultimate. Just in terms of how it feels and how the spot metering works (I haven't actually got the results back yet). The spot on the four is so intuitive, and everything else about the camera so natural, that I'm close to blown away.

Now, I stick to my overall line that the 80s' era of SLRs was great, and many entirely usable and most capable of great quality - but the OM-4 fits the hand so well and just gets the basics so right that this is a camera I could pick up any time for almost anything. And the lenses are so compact...
After shooting with rangefinders exclusively for the past 8 years...
...Now I have a nice assortment of lenses to fit my needs (50/1.2, 50/1.4, 50/1.8, 50 vivitar macro, 35/2.8, 28/2, and 100/2.8)… I have all that I need. Well, I will always lust after gear, but now it will be within the OM system...

Official Zuikoholic!


Some of your gear has travelled very widely... That 50/1.2 came to me from another member here (you know who you are..!) who I know will be pleased to know it passed on in the spirit it reached me, and to a good home.

My only suggestion based on what you've written is to try the 50 on an OM1 with a 1-4 screen. Not yours if it's been adjusted to take the 2 series by John, but maybe there are other helpful zuikoholics around you....

The OM1 finder is bright enough with the 1 series, and the 1-4, just a plain screen is incredibly precise with the 1.2.

Whatever though - keep pushing the button.
