OMG! Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize! :)

I think it is just excellent that president Obama has received the Nobel Peace Price. The price has been given several times to people who have been in the start process of 'making peace'. I think that bishop Desmond Tutu was very significant: 'he (Obama) have changed the world atmosphere..'

My congratulations to Barak Obama! We look forward to see you here in Oslo!
Great idea.

The award says, "Put up or shut up."

The American right is saying that the rest of the world is preaching at them. Well, yes. Now they know how it feels. has a wonderful range of T-shirts, one of which says,

DEMOCRACY: Some Assembly Required.


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The American right is saying that the rest of the world is preaching at them.

The American right will not give Obama any breaks or any credit for doing anything or even the time of day! :( They even question the fact that he is indeed President. In my not so humble opinion, they are being total jerks about it! :(
The American right will not give Obama any breaks or any credit for doing anything or even the time of day! :( They even question the fact that he is indeed President. In my not so humble opinion, they are being total jerks about it! :(

So true on both sides of the US political spectrum! :)

To quote Stealers Wheel -

"Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you."

Regarding the Nobel Prize, I don't understand anyone being upset about it. The president was quite humble about it, and seems to consider it a challenge to live up to. And, of course, it has had controversial winners before.

I see it as a good thing. There are plenty of charities that can use the money; Olsen is right, by December the award may be worth $2MM!

"He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!" - Horace
The reaction from the right is as-expected. It is ridiculous. Can you imagine if it was (American) football? These guys would be P.O.'d because the quarterback of our team won the Heismann.
The reaction from the right is as-expected. It is ridiculous. Can you imagine if it was (American) football? These guys would be P.O.'d because the quarterback of our team won the Heismann.

I have to admit - I'll be pissed if they award Obama the Stanley Cup!
The reaction from the right is as-expected. It is ridiculous. Can you imagine if it was (American) football? These guys would be P.O.'d because the quarterback of our team won the Heismann.

To me this is awarding the Heismann in the first week of September.
All right. I give in. What is a Heismann?



It is an award in US collegiate football, given to the outstanding player of the year. The season starts in September and continues through December (for most teams). So, of course, awarding it in September to the player who intends to be the best, would seem illogical; probably better to wait to judge the actual outcome.

Not that there is any parallel to the Nobel, naturally....
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It is an award in US collegiate football, given to the outstanding player of the year. The season starts in September and continues through December (for most teams). So, of course, awarding it in September to the player who intends to be the best, would seem illogical; probably better to wait to judge the actual outcome.

Not that there is any parallel to the Nobel, naturally....


As you say, there is indeed no parallel between hoping to win a series of football matches, and trying to engage the international community.

As I said in my first post in this thread, it's now "put up or shut up" for Obama, so I think that overall, the Nobel award did him no favours. The pressure to succeed in his (probably overly) ambitious programme is now immense.

What I find extraordinarily hard to believe is that even the far right (Limbaugh and his ilk) are openly willing to side with the Taliban on this one.

Do I think Obama will succeed? I don't know, but I'd rather wish him success than failure. Any American who wishes him failure in promoting world peace comes parlous close to treason in my book.

One may legitimately disagree with his chosen path, and disbelieve that it will work. To want it to fail is however monstrous.


i assume Roger that you must be refering to some Americans that have openly said and been quoted that they want Obama to fail? that would seem unlikely, I would find it amazing that anyone would wish him to fail, perhaps it is more likely that any criticism, you believe, undermines what the award is 'meant/hoping' to achieve?

however i would argue that stifling peoples views or criticism's attack the very foundations of living in, negotiating, promoting and ultimately achieving peace between nations and people. this award is steeped historically in controversy, many times in the past the very integrity of the award has been completely undermined, and often brought back by popular winners that most people around the world remember now as household names i.e. Mother Teresa etc. IMHO this is one of those times it has completely undermined the integrity of the award..

it would apear to me that your fine writing and rhetoric linking the evil Taliban and the politicians critical of the recipients worthiness and further phrases like treason are somewhat far fetched even if it is good rhetoric, perhaps sedition would work better :p

incidentally, if i understand it correctly, the final date for accepting the invitation for the award is the 1st of Feb and Mr Obama was made President on the 20th of Jan, yes? it would seem to me that the talk that he may refuse the award is just talk or political posturing, as the award is meant to be for contributions[acts] previous to the 1st of Feb he must of felt that his campaign rhetoric and his 2 weeks as President stood him in good stead and somewhat worthy already, otherwise he could have turned it down if a Poli would turn it down, that wouldn't happen often eh

i do agree that the award did him no favours, provided, it is his mind to concern himself with whether or not he live up to it. he may well have other things on his mind, concerning the prosperity of his own nation, if that coincides with promoting a peace then there is a chance

I'd say that most of the following come close enough to 'wishing him to fail':

And be fair, I did say 'parlous close to treason', which is, indeed, a good definition of sedition.


I'd say that most of the following come close enough to 'wishing him to fail':

And be fair, I did say 'parlous close to treason', which is, indeed, a good definition of sedition.

The Bush-bashing during the previous administration never stooped as low as what the dorks such as Limbaugh and Beck are doing now! They are on a one-track crusade to criticize whatever Obama does.

If he walked on water, they would say it was because he could not swim. If he turned water into wine, they would say he's promoting drinking!

The guy simply can't win with the far-right crowd! :(
Yes, Chippy, there are a good number of Americans who want him to fail. Their political (and personal) philosophy is based on the failure of others. That's all they got.