OMG! Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize! :)

Screw politics....Obama has done nothing for peace. Giving the award to Obama "in hope that he will do something great" was ridiculous and greatly devalued the award.

Hell, my ENTIRE industry that I worked so hard for in the last 38 years is DEAD! In my county, we are approaching unemployment of 15% and I have been out of work over an entire YEAR!

How many people can survive that?

All Obama has done is...NOTHING! What will he do in the future? God help us.
Obama mania

Obama mania

While you in USA discuss who's going to pay for abortions, we, the citizens of Oslo are waking up to the reality of having to pay for the security of President Obama when he visits our city to receive the Nobel Peace Price. Obama arrives with 5 planes ... with an army of 200 security agents ... and a total entourage of 700 people...! Only the budget of the Oslo Police will run up to 135 million NOK (ca 25 mill US$), about ten times as much as it costs the police to look after the all embassies, the US and Israeli included, here in Oslo in one year.

And, what about peace?

This years Nobel Peace Price candidate still resists that USA shall sign the land mine treaty (the Ottawa Treaty). While he earlier talked of reducing US involvement in Afganistan he has now decided to send an additional 35.000 US soldiers there and pushes all the NATO members to do the same.

Still USA runs concentration camps abroad where people are held for years on end without a trial, and US officials, paid by US tax payers, perform torture. Regularly. - Just to mention very few examples making any president of USA a good candidate for a peace price absolute nonsense.

While we just laughed at that the Nobel Peace Price was awarded president Obama, we don't think it is a laughing matter any more. President Obama should say 'no' to the price and not go to Oslo. He will then save us all the embarrasment - and the citizens of Oslo a lot of money. People here organise to push the security bill on the Nobel Peace Institute. They have the money, - and the stomac for this, it seems.