Opinion on Leica X1


Local time
11:30 AM
Apr 7, 2009

I´ve sold some equipment and need to replace my T3 for a more modern digital alternative.
Been thinking about a Leica X1.

Please share your opinions on this little camera!!!!

Well, I love it. However, everything you read about it is true. The AF is very slow, MF is lame, the IQ is very good even up to ISO 3200, it is super light, a joy to use, etc. There is a firmware update coming soon that supposedly makes the AF speed faster and the MF mode usable... we'll see.
If you've got the time, wait for the X100. See, how good this one will be... If it's crap, go for the Leica, if it's nice, take the Fuji.
Well, I love it. However, everything you read about it is true. The AF is very slow, MF is lame, the IQ is very good even up to ISO 3200, it is super light, a joy to use, etc. There is a firmware update coming soon that supposedly makes the AF speed faster and the MF mode usable... we'll see.

I agree with all this. I'm hopeful about the firmware update too. Shirt pocket fit? Well, I suppose if you had LARGE pockets. Definitely coat pocket fit, though!
It's not a shirt pocket camera. It will fit in a winter coat pocket ok (based on your location, maybe not iomportant).
HI, thanks JS, not many folks around using it :) !

By the way can it be put in a shirt pocket????


You've got a Leica III right? Try fitting that in your shirt pocket, equipped with a collapsible lens. The X1 is about the same size (and shape).
I absolutely love mine, and I was also a Contax T3 user.

Well, I love it. However, everything you read about it is true. The AF is very slow, MF is lame, the IQ is very good even up to ISO 3200, it is super light, a joy to use, etc. There is a firmware update coming soon that supposedly makes the AF speed faster and the MF mode usable... we'll see.

I can confirm all of these points. The Fuji X100 is an interesting camera, but it is bigger and heavier than a Panasonic GF1, and the X1 is sufficiently smaller and lighter than the GF1 to make the difference between a coat-pocket camera I take with me everywhere (the X1) and one I usually didn't bother to take with me (the GF1) or left in my bag.

Another option to consider is the Sigma DP1 and DP2. Even slower AF and not so high resolution or high-ISO performance, but just as stellar optics and a sensor with outstanding per-pixel image quality.
It's a $2000 dollar camera with an crop sensor and a fixed lens, and they didn't even bother to make it f2. Aren't their no less than 3 other major manufacturers making similar products with interchangeable lenses for less than half this amount?

From a financial perspective, this is a poor investment.

I don't care how good that lens is, its basically the cost of a 5D2 body on the used market. Ridiculous.
It's a $2000 dollar camera with an crop sensor and a fixed lens, and they didn't even bother to make it f2. Aren't their no less than 3 other major manufacturers making similar products with interchangeable lenses for less than half this amount?

From a financial perspective, this is a poor investment.

I don't care how good that lens is, its basically the cost of a 5D2 body on the used market. Ridiculous.

So, is it safe to assume you aren't going to buy one? :bang:

You do not buy the X1 if you want a DSLR. You buy the X1 if you'd like a small digital camera designed with minimal controls like vintage cameras had. You either get it or you don't. You don't and that's ok. It's not for everyone.

Also, value and leica do not go hand in hand. That's life.
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You've got a Leica III right? Try fitting that in your shirt pocket, equipped with a collapsible lens. The X1 is about the same size (and shape).

Hi, thanks to all your opinions.

Thats what i´m looking for, a repalce to my t3 and something like the iii, to use mainly in auto mode. And taking everywhere!

I found myself using a lot the T3 in comparison with my m8.

For what i´ve seen on pics, the x100 is a big camera, and i assume i won´t get the same picture quality as the x1 (maybe wrong).

So i really don´t know at the moment. But your adveice is very important.

Any phots taken with X1???


PD: What is Sigma doing about it´s peers???? Any Dp3 coming soon???
Looking at your photos on flickr, I think you'd get on with the X1 quite well. It excels at the type of photos you do. I'd offer my photos as proof of the X1's IQ except that I'm not an IQ hound so mine may have flare, added vignetting, I use high ISOs even in the day, post processing, etc. I don't have anything straight out of the camera on hand.
The X1 and the X100 are nearly the same size:

Leica X1-Fujifilm X100 size-comparison by Koekjeman, on Flickr

Leica X1-Fujifilm X100 size-comparison by Koekjeman, on Flickr

I just don't see the appeal. It's like with Apple computers. They're more expensive than competitors and often times they offer something special, with key limitations (iPad, no flash, iPhone, bad service), and great design. Okay, that's cool with me. I'll pay for that, I bought the iPad, the iMac. I drink the cool-aide. But Leica does the same thing with one key difference. They make specialized products with good design, yet key limitations that enthusiasts are willing to deal with. Only Leica equipment isn't just more expensive, it's exponentially (and in my opinion irresponsibly) more expensive. Carl Zeiss and Cosina prove that products like say, a basic, but very high quality 50mm f2, does not need to cost $2k Leica's 50mm 1.4 costs $5000 dollars. How does anyone stomach that? I don't care how good it is, it's not as good as it's price tag.

Do I resent this stuff because I can't afford it? Yeah, I do. I'm a young fine artist who loves street photography and I get by working in a camera store. Day in and day out I sell Leica products to people who more often than not, don't understand why Leica doesn't make zoom lenses in M mount. While Carl Zeiss and Cosina release fantastic, albeit slightly more expensive specialized camera's and lenses, and they're IN REACH of people like me.

I say let Leica return to financial insolvency, maybe Panasonic will buy them and make a proper M digital for 4 or 5K, and talented artists will use these great tools to continue the spirit of street photography and the social landscape.

Sorry to rant a bit off topic, but I don't get to say this stuff to my customers at work. Sometimes I gotta vent.
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The X1 is fantastic for those who like film cameras. The handling is simple, the interface is quite hands-on, with actual dials for aperture and shutter speed. I use one with the external VF, and only ever need to turn on the screen to adjust ISO or exposure compensation. In aperture priority it is a dream- quite like a Contax T in use (with the aux VF- which is remarkably accurate).

One hears the same old crap- it is overpriced, overpriced, overpriced, as it is made by Leica, you're an idiot to buy one because the X100 is going to be better and cheaper and shoot better video with sound. But I get beautiful prints from it full size on 13x19" paper- even at ISO 1600, and I can use it without having to click and press buttons and navigate menus every time I turn it on. Beautiful color and very little noise. It seems designed to be shot.
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The appeal for me was that it is the only compact digital camera with a large sensor and dedicated shutter speed and aperture knobs... that alone, to me, was worth the extra $1000 over the Panasonic GF1. That said, the X100, if delivered as suggested, will be the best deal in the biz. I'll buy one of those, but won't sell my X1.
Leica overpriced? Pissed off?

Where have I heard THIS before?:rolleyes:

No one is forcing anyone to actually buy a Leica product. If you don't want to spend the money, then don't. I do, so, I do. So what?:)