Original Pen

A lovely camera and nice pictures!
I hope you don´t mind if I post some of my own Original Pen, that is way more beaten up. One of the prevoius owners broke the strap lug and filed the rest down. The back of the camera was used as a canvas:


Pictures are here.
I've the Pen W which is pretty much the same camera only with a 25mm 2.8 five element lens. It too has a near silent shutter. No other camera i've used is as quiet. Nice pics and camera by the way it looks like you have a light leak. The foam seals are easily replaced. I've only had my Pen W a short time but it's easily one of my favourite cameras.
I have a couple of early Pens, also my favorites of VF type half frames, although other half frame cameras may be better specified on paper.
My earliest is a Sanko Shoji Pen. These first 6 months of Pen production were handled by a subcontractor until Olympus was sure the camera was to be a success.
Still the great little camera Olympus would soon fully take over production of.
I loved the camera and fact it shot verticals.
My real first street camera that led to ruin!
A series of images made the Front page of South Africa's largest newspaper!
Later fashion and model assignments.
Tried the rangefinder gizmo, but relied on depth of field.
A tiny flashgun and AG-1 bulbs was sufficient.
These pictures were taken on cheap Agfa 200 film. The scan is the Ultra High Definition Rangefinder Forum special at Precision Camera right here in Austin.
I often use my Panasonic GF1 as a lightmeter when I have time. I set the ISO the same as the filmstock and use the manual setting to choose the aperture and shutter speed . I tansfer the settings to the Pen when I am satisfied with digital shots exposure.

In contrast to the spring loaded shutter buttons of my Oly 35RC and Trip, the Pen's is very light and crisp hence no camera shake.

The very very flat lens of the Pen lends itself to snag free pocketability. It is the ultimate "pancake" lens.
The original Pen of 1959 is my favorite. Compact, pocketable, a nearly silent shutter and a sharp Zuiko lens. I often use an old Voigtlander rangefinder on its cold shoe.

Original Pen 2 by vonfilm, on Flickr

Great camera! I have seen comments that the 2.8cm Zuiko is excellent. I shoot a 3cm f2.8 Pen S and REALLY enjoy it!



Just found one of these for 20 bucks at a flea market! Shutter works perfectly—just need to clean the front glass and viewfinder...hoping I won’t need to open up the top to do the latter...
If this is the original Pen, not the EE version, then be very careful cleaning the VF if it comes to that. The cover glass with the frosted half sits just a few thousands in front of the VF front lens. If there is dirt there then other than removing it from the plastic frame, (don't) the only way I've found to clean that very narrow gap is a business card cut to a strip about 1/2 inch. then wrap one layer of thin lens tissue around it and insert into gap. Drag out slowly. Repeat if needed. Use dry and if you can't get it spotless then get it as good as you can which will be good enough. If you take the cover off the VF bottom be VERY careful cleaning any surfaces. The VF contains both a full silvered front surface mirror and a semi-slivered beam splitter. If you wipe the aluminizing off the beam splitter you will render the bright frame either invisible or at least very very dim.

Just a heads up. Don't ask how I know all these things.