New York PhotoPlusExpo 2016

Nice Cal...

The filter size and barrel size are the same as the 24-90 so it will be a big lens and perhaps only about a half inch shorter.

One of my friends at the Leica Store Soho thinks with fewer elements and less groups it surely will be lighter.

I really love the SL. Right out of the camera the files look great on my Eizo.

The 50 Lux "E60" will get recycled to be used on my SL2-MOT. I love the rendering of this lens with it's balanced sharpness and softness and smooth OOF.

The Noct-Nikkor loves the SL. Best apertures are F1.2-F4.0 and the added 8 mm (58mm) combined with F1.2 makes it a really great portrait lens. The SL loves shooting lenses wide open and nailing the focus is mucho easy.

I'm totally spoiled. I figured that when I send in my Monochrom for sensor replacement that I better have another digital camera to love. The D3X does not do it for me.

Piezography Pro is going to be released soon, a new inkset and system that allows variable blending of split tone, but at this time both my 3880 and 7800 are loaded with Piezoflush in safe storage mode.

At this point I need to warehouse more paper and ink to have a winter stockpile, but I decided after buying a Leica SL and Pre-Ordering a AF 50 Lux ($5295.00) that I don't have the funds.

So this winter I plan on returning to film again and exploiting my herd of cameras to learn Vuescan and begin going through all my negatives.

Really looking forward to my break from printing and a fresh start in a new endeavor that I thought I would never do: scan.

This is a bump.

Group-up is prior to 10:00 AM Saturday October 22d. Meet-Up wherever Louis Mendez is hanging out with his Crown Graphic near the registration/badge pickup area.

Around 1:00 PM meet-up near the front bathrooms to get something to eat/drink in Hell's Kitchen and do some shooting.

If you have the time go see the big group show at the Manhattan Mini Storage on 44th Street and Westside Highway. I have three pieces spread out in that show: one is a self portrait taken with a Holga like 120 camera back in 1984 when I was a young pup; there is one of my paintings from the 80's that is basically a heavy construction; and lastly there is an iconic B&W silver wet print, a night shot/bulb exposure that demonstrates perfect technic, shot with a Tele-Rolieflex.

Saturday is the last day of the group show.

For those lazy slackers who want to go to the PhotoPlusExpo, but failed to register for free before the August 31st deadline PM me and give me your e-mail.

I have a last chance free registration from Digital Silver Imaging. If I have your e-mail I can forward you the link and save you $20.00.

Hurry up you lazy bum.


PM me if you want to get in for free. I need your e-mail address to forward you the link for the Digital Silver Imaging guest registration that remains free.


Did you see the Palettegear booth. I thought of you because of the modular design of all these analog controls that configure like Lego blocks to provide real knows and sliders for post processing controls in Lightroom and Photoshop.

They also have a purpose for MIDI and your home brew synth. USB interface, compact and mucho clever. In Lightroom one can "Toggle" through the various panels and configure the layout and controls. Mighty clever in how module this system is.

Because I'm old I always like real analog knobs and sliders than clicking a mouse and dragging controls.

Leica had a pre-production AF 50 Lux in their booth that I mounted on my SL. The Autofocus was not as speedy as the 24-90 zoom, but I expect this to be improved with new and updated firmware.

The downloaded images shot at F1.4 viewed on my EIZO looked rather amazing. I found the images to be smooth.

Now I'm even more excited about this lens. With an 82mm filter size the AF 50 Lux is almost as big as the 24-90 zoom but it seems a lot lighter and more balanced (less glass and elements). Anyways the biggest 50 I have ever seen, but the performance looks to be big also.
