Pick One Digital M

Pick One Digital M

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"It’s roughly the same weight or perhaps a tad heavier than the regular black M9" — Seal writes in the comments.

I find the 335 grams (battery included) claim a bit beyond my imagination. It's lighter than a Hexar RF, lighter than a Contax G2 (both have titanium shells), even lighter than the tiny Nikon 28Ti that I recently acquired. The famously titanium-crafted 28Ti, with battery and film, weigh 358 grams. In fact, the M9 Titanium is as light as a fully loaded Contax T2...

What's going on within that M9? Why couldn't Leica repeat the miracle with the M240 Titanium?

I found here that the titanium 35/1.4 ASPH that came with the kit also weighs 335 grams. Hmm. A coincidence, or a mistake?
I would always choose the camera with the highest raw-file signal-to-noise ratio. This assumes that camera does not have a profound flaw or other disadvantage that would affect my creative interests.
I prefer titanium bodies for the way they resist wear and tear; not for the light weight.

However, I prefer the features of M10 compared to the M9; therefore, I voted for the M10.

If only a titanium Leica M10 were available.
Found a Japanese reviewer who had actually weighted the camera:


Body weighs 600 grams and the lens is 344 grams. In accordance with Seal's impression - it's actually heavier than a regular M9, which weighs 585 grams.

I was going by José Manuel Serrano Esparza
"The remarkable lightness of this noble metal joined together with its extreme sturdiness, have enabled to achieve a camera body weight 250 g lower than the 585 g of the Leica M9"

Somebody was fibbing....or

Who wants to call him? ;)

He is member of LHS can't find his email. Let's find one more source which is definitive on weight.

Looking more here it is "20 grams lighter"
M10 for me.. thinner, ISO dial.. no sensor corrosion.

M9 Titanium if I were a collector and have money to throw away.
You and Puts totally agree on that one, Mr 240 :)
I think you will weaken eventually ;)

What does M9 Titan really weigh? I'm surprised Esparzo was so far off, and I also saw a spec sheet with 330 grams listed....

Did it just come in much heavier than they first planned?

If it's true the Titan is about M9 weight (or more), I would take M10 myself, for sure. I also did not realize it had no strap lugs. Gorgeous thing, though. Many little differences.

I'm surprised you are a strong 240 defender, though I know you love the camera. Are you shooting video alot, or is it the battery?